Stuart Richardson replied to the topic How bad is the curvature of field in the 70mm S lens? in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 3 months ago
Well, I finally got a response on my lens (my local dealer works via a distributor in another country, so it took much longer than normal to get this organized…I will be sending it direct from now on), and Leica said that there was something wrong with it, and they were replacing it. So we'll see. I will get the replacement by Wednesday, I hope.…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic How bad is the curvature of field in the 70mm S lens? in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 4 months ago
Lovely colors! Well, I am still not entirely sure what's up. I have been busy recently, so I did not get around to talking to Leica about it until last week. They saw the sample images and said they would like me to send back the lens so they could check it out. That's the stage I am at now. So still up in the air! I hope it is something easily…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic How bad is the curvature of field in the 70mm S lens? in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for looking. I have a feeling that this is an issue with my lens, or my body (though I don't really see it in other lenses…or haven't noticed it).
Bandwidth be damned, here is an example. Am I crazy, or is this really weird? It was shot at f/4.8 and 1/250th. Handheld, but the same issue appears in other shots taken on a tripod or a…[Read more]Stuart Richardson replied to the topic S3 — what new features would you like? in the forum S2 12 years, 8 months ago
Bravo! I agree in that I am extremely happy with the S2. That said, I think there is always room for improvement.
One of my only pet peeves with the camera is the 4 button interface. Is it a vestigial remain of the early cooperation with Phase One? Whatever it is, even after a year of use I still do not get on with it. The interface in the…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Firmware update procedere – ATTENTION! in the forum S2 12 years, 9 months ago
Any specifics? I am sure they update little things, but I don't always upgrade firmware that quickly unless there is a clear advantage. I guess I am taking a “if it ain't broke, don't fix it” attitude. For example, the last time I did a Mac OSX update, it destroyed my computer…luckily I had a backup.
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Firmware update procedere – ATTENTION! in the forum S2 12 years, 9 months ago
I would never have thought about this…thanks for the suggestion! I have not updated to the latest firmware yet. I am not using the H adapter, and it did not seem like there was anything else in there to make it worth upgrading…I will probably just wait until there is a more significant update.
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Lens Profiles for Photoshop? in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 9 months ago
GĂ©rard — I am glad the advice worked for you! I have not used Capture One in a long time, but when I did use it, I never got along too well with it. It did have nice results, but I did not really like the workflow. I am quite glad Leica chose to work with Adobe, because like David says, they have a much larger resource of people, money and…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Lens Profiles for Photoshop? in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 9 months ago
While I have not seen that kind of color fringing from the S lenses, I would say that if you go into the manual corrections area and select “defringe” and then “all edges”, it should help with that. If that does not work, then doing a local selection on that area and desaturating it should work fairly well.
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Lens Profiles for Photoshop? in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 10 months ago
Hi Cira,
When did you last update CS5? In my version, all the Leica S profiles are there…in Lightroom 4, they have also added many M lenses… I think the profiles are ready, you might just have to download them specifically and add them. I don't believe I did this, so it might just be a matter of checking for updates and installing them that…[Read more]Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Lens Profiles for Photoshop? in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 11 months ago
Click on the filter menu, then on Lens Correction. That will open up a dialog box and a preview. On the right under auto correction, there should be a list of camera manufacturers and lens models, if it does not automatically detect it from Exif.
You might need CS5, I am not sure…Stuart Richardson replied to the topic S2 Mishaps in the forum S2 12 years, 12 months ago
You should talk to Andrea Frankl at Leica Solms, and probably forward all correspondance you have had with the dealer to her (after speaking with her, of course). Leica will take care of you. I deal mostly with them directly, as I am in a country without an experience S line dealer. They are easy and helpful to deal with. Their reputation rides on…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic LFI in the forum S2 13 years ago
Agreed about the S-league…when I saw that it was only for commercial photography I lost interest. We are bombarded with these sorts of images on a daily basis trying to sell us stuff, who wants to pay to see more advertising just because it was taken with a certain camera? It's just like Victor magazine…invariably there is some waifish looking…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Review: S2 verses Leaf Aptus 12! in the forum S2 13 years ago
Nice review Irakly. I think it is also quite clear that by now, a camera is much more than the sum of its megapixels! For example, I don't expect to throw away the S2 in favor of the new 41mp Nokia camera phone (–sale-Europe-now.html).
I think the real…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Any ideas on the purple line in the following images? in the forum S2 13 years ago
Eric, this is genius! Thank you so much! This will be a great tool to have around. Hopefully I won't need it, but it is very comforting to know it is there.
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic S2 and long exposures in the forum S2 13 years ago
Ok, here is an example of a really bad version of the effect. This was a test just out my window with the Hasselblad 350mm. These ship lights are extremely high intensity, but this is still not an effect I like to see! I have also seen it occasionally with the 120mm, but not that often. Only in night shooting with very strong lights in the frame.…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic S2 and long exposures in the forum S2 13 years ago
Very nice Jack. That is an interesting technique, and it seems to really do the job! I have not tried anything similar. I have been doing a lot of long exposure night work for the streetlight series I am doing. The S2 has worked very well for it. The only problem I have had is with ghost images of the light sources. Since I am not using filters, I…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Some night shots from Iceland in the forum Images to Share 13 years, 2 months ago
Thanks very much Jack. I do prefer the white balance this way too, at least aesthetically, but I may change later. I would be interested to see your overpasses as well! You are right though about the S2 here — it works beautifully in Iceland. I was very impressed too, as I was outside for two hours and took 40 long exposure photos, and the…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic First Time in New York in the forum Images to Share 13 years, 2 months ago
Nice shot. Looks like it did well. How did you like New York? Any more shots from this series?
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Sunburst in winter in the forum Images to Share 13 years, 2 months ago
Lovely photo Edwin!
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Leica introduces Elmarit-S 30mm f/2.8 ASPH in the forum S Lenses 13 years, 2 months ago
Based on the only 2 S lenses I have used — 35mm and 120mm, I would almost say that the testing is pointless. The lenses are so incredibly good that they don't really have any weak points other than size. The only middling problem I have had is some issues with ghost reflections in extremely high contrast night photography (of streetlights etc…[Read more]
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