Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Using the S2 and the M9 together …LR presets? in the forum Workflow and Processing 13 years, 6 months ago
And just another note — Eric Chan confirmed that the detail slider towards the higher side brings into play deconvolution sharpening — so that would mean that David has it right…
http://www.luminous-landscape.com/forum/index.php?topic=45038.0Also, it would seem to make sense to me anyway as to why the detail slider is best used…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Using the S2 and the M9 together …LR presets? in the forum Workflow and Processing 13 years, 6 months ago
Regardless of how the sharpening in lightroom works, I have found that for the M9 at least, the detail slider is best used sparingly. I know this runs counter to most people here. This is primarily based on my experience as an exhibition printer. When printing M9 images large — i.e. 20×24″/50x60cm and over, you want to be very careful with…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Unobtanium found! in the forum S Lenses 13 years, 6 months ago
Sounds nice. The 28-90mm f/2.8-4.5 ASPH for the R system was a fantastic lens — variable aperture is not the most convenient when shooting manual, but it is not much of a problem with AE. The 28-90 was a very useful lens and the performance was beyond question. If they can do something similar with the 30-90, I imagine that it would serve…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic reach for it in the forum Images to Share 13 years, 6 months ago
Nice shot Kurt! Looks like the AF works (or did you just use MF?)! Did you freeze it with flash, or was it just high shutter speed?
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Offical statement from Leica regarding SD card compaitibility with the M9 in the forum M9 13 years, 7 months ago
It sounds like they are mostly saying, “if it ain't broke, don't fix it!”. Sound advice…
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Offical statement from Leica regarding SD card compaitibility with the M9 in the forum M9 13 years, 7 months ago
Never had a single problem! I have a San Disk Extreme HD Video 8gb card. It is a 20mb/s card. Not so fast, perhaps, but it seems to work fine for me. I think I will stick with it until the problems are all sorted…
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Maximizing High ISO Performance on the Leica S2 in the forum S2 13 years, 7 months ago
Very interesting! I am sharpening purely on a visual basis, and for a print based workflow. One of the great things about lightroom is how by holding down the option button while moving the sliders, they give you a visual cue as to how the sharpening is being applied. This helps you dial it in, and then you can fine tune it using the regular…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Maximizing High ISO Performance on the Leica S2 in the forum S2 13 years, 7 months ago
Thanks for the work and the samples Josh. It was nice to see your sharpening technique as well. It's funny how different they can be. For example, with the M9 (and probably eventually the S2) I tend to rely on high masking, minimal radius and detail, but a higher level on the sharpening slider. It's more of an edge sharpening effect than overall…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Question on S2 V-mount adapters in the forum Alternative Lenses 13 years, 7 months ago
Thanks David — yes, the 350mm is one reason I am interested. I am sure the Leica will be the most solid, but the Metabones is interesting to me because I have one of their Leica M to m4/3rds adapter, and it fit perfectly and was very well made. Given the price, I might give it a shot and if it does not work well, I can return it and just get the…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Leica-S Adapters for third party lenses now official in the forum Alternative Lenses 13 years, 7 months ago
The premium is 550 dollars over the Metabones adapter! I would not call it that small!
I posted a thread about this though…I am curious if anyone has used the other adapters, and if so, how they compare. -
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Favorite Accessories for the M9 in the forum M9 13 years, 7 months ago
The only thing I regularly use is a built-in grip case from Luigi at Leicatime…I originally bought it with the M8 a few years ago. Beyond that, I just use a RRS plate with the grip for when I am doing a lot of tripod work. I don't really think the M9 needs many accessories, to be honest! That's the beauty of the camera…it really works…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Where are the film shooters? in the forum Film M Cameras 13 years, 7 months ago
Still shooting lots of film here (I do run a photo lab though). I just recently put up some film shots from a trip out East — they are either Hasselblad or a Plaubel Makina…you can tell by the format…
http://www.stuartrichardson.com/lightroom/east-trip-film-shots-2011/ -
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic MacBook Air for travel in the forum Computers and Technology 13 years, 7 months ago
They are very, very tempting, but since I am looking at the S2, I decided to just get an SSD for my older Macbook pro. Hopefully that will give it another year or two. I also love the size and portability of the Macbook Air, but I would really miss the things you lose in going with that form factor (or what you seem to lose each time the MBP is…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Wanted: 1.4x APO Extender and Elpro S in the forum S Lenses 13 years, 8 months ago
Agreed — a 1.4x makes perfect sense, as the lenses are so fast anyway, that losing one stop is not a barrier to a useful lens. Based on my experience with the 2x APO converter for the R system, I know they can make a tele-converter that does not seriously harm the optical performance. The 180mm Elmarit and 2x APO converter still performed…[Read more]
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Split image/microprism screen for S2 — anyone use it? in the forum S2 13 years, 8 months ago
Thank you both! Glad to hear that it is still in the works and that it is nice to use. I look forward to hearing some user impressions once it gets into people's hands.
Stuart Richardson replied to the topic Suggestions for feature additions in future S2 firmware updates in the forum S2 13 years, 8 months ago
David K;231 wrote: Hey Doug… please don't tell us that you're giving up the DMR. You've been making such gorgeous photos with that camera and the 280mm for so long…and I never tire of seeing them. It may be a bit outdated and out-res'd by some of the newer stuff but it can still deliver the goods. Looking forward to seeing you share some…