Stonkin started the topic A new alternative to mid-telephoto lens for L-mount? in the forum Alternative Lenses 4 years, 5 months ago
Hi everyone – I'm a newbie to this forum (as of this week), but not new to the joys of the mirrorless Leicas.
I've owned a Q for almost 2 years and love its simplicity & output. But I've had a few Voigtlanders to use with a Fujifilm X-H1 and thought they would be better utilised on a full frame mirrorless – i.e. Leica SL. After a few dealings, I…[Read more]
Stonkin replied to the topic waiting or buying in the forum SL Lenses 4 years, 5 months ago
Hello The Hague.
Your question regarding T lenses on the SL caught my attention. Below is a copy of a Question I've just posted on this Forum, under TL lenses. Hopefully I'll get a few replies, so keep an eye out for them.
“Having owned a Leica Q for 2 years and really loving it, I bought a pre-owned SL during early lockdown. This was because I…[Read more]
Stonkin started the topic Leica APO-Vario-Elmar-T 55-135mm f3.5-4.5 ASPH – on Leica SL in the forum Leica TL Lenses 4 years, 5 months ago
Having owned a Leica Q for 2 years and really loving it, I bought a pre-owned SL during early lockdown. This was because I had a few Voigtlander lenses which I used with a Fujifilm X-H1 – and I wanted to make better use of them. What an understatement that is! The Voigt 21mm f3.5 (M) and Voigt 58mm f1.8 (F) are exceptional and so relatively easy…[Read more]