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  • #4077

    I use the battery grip and it does help balance the camera, if making it quite large in the hand. Some posters have suggested that the camera is only as heavy as a ‘normal' DSLR. It is much heavier.

    Also, contrary to some suggestions from other posters, the batteries are drained pretty much equally and if shooting tethered you will see both batteries drain each day. If out and about they last longer but you do have to remove the battery grip each time you need to get at the body battery and although not such a big deal, I find it annoying and can't understand why the body battery doesn't stay charged whilst the one in the grip is being drained first.

    I am actually returning mine for investigation as there as is an issue with the grip attaching to the body successfully.It wobbles too much and is not much good really. …yes, it's been tightened up properly and all is aligned correctly.

    Having said all this, I wouldn't be without it.

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