ShawnK replied to the topic Leica Elmarit-M 90 mm f/2.8 6-bit coded lens in the forum M Lenses 10 years, 5 months ago
Needless to say (I'm knocking on wood) I have NO experience @ this, altho' I'm a retired Engineer and in US, there are car windshield repair places they have some clear epoxy that they fill in chipped windshield & smooth it out w/just with a small cloth. U might want to go & talk to them or scientific instrument repair place too. If not take two…[Read more]
ShawnK started the topic New 35mm, 75mm & 90mm Sumarrit lens @ 2014 Photokina in the forum M Lenses 10 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone know when they will be in stock in USA? I heard from this week or middle of Oct 2014. Also any hands on reviews, from reputable source?
Thank you.