SammyCo replied to the topic Vests? in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 1 year, 3 months ago
I've been using one of the sports vests(I think it was made for hiking or something, picked it up at Run United I'm pretty sure). Still gotta invest into a proper one, but hey, this one works just fine for now 😀
SammyCo started the topic GoPro head mount for snowboarding in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 2 years ago
Hello folks, I know it's not exactly Leica related, but maybe someone had experience with my question.
So, I'm planning to go to a snowboarding base in a few weeks and was planning to film most of it with my GoPro8. However, mount feels a bit wobbly with my helmet( made by Head, for…[Read more]SammyCo replied to the topic Traveling light in the forum Bags and Cases 2 years ago
Orvis has pretty good gear tbh, especially jackets/bags. Used to get a lot of those like 5-6 years ago, but I feel like quality kinda went down. Currently I'm going for 5'11 backpacks and Sitka hunting gear: a bit on a pricier side, but well worth in my opinion.