rudlinfineart replied to the topic New S (007) in the forum Leica S 10 years, 5 months ago
I am very disappointed. First, and foremost , I expected and needed an increase in resolution. I often make 40×60 inch prints, and my “standard size” is
20×30, so an increase in resolution is important to me.Second, I expected an improvement in the LCD. The resolution remains less than
many inexpensive DSLRs, it doesn't tilt (so using live…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica 120 mm CS: AF not working in the forum S Lenses 10 years, 8 months ago
Add my name to the list. My 120 is in Solms as well. Was at a shoot and suddenly
it would not autofocus. Solms claims there was impact damage, but I do not recall
such an event. They are charging me a lot for the repair and state it will take 6 weeks.
It appears that there is an innate problem with the 120 that Leica needs to…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic Lorton Prison in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 2 months ago
alisjasp;5914 wrote: Some images looked cartoonist
Thank you. That was the point of those images, to concentrate on the
outline, the geometric shapes, patterns or symbolism and not necessarily on photo-realistic detail.
Pre-visualized, so in some cases purposely over-exposed or under-exposed
to prepare for the presentation.rudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica S2 New England Fall Foliage Trip – Day One in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 7 months ago
I apologize for the previous post– just noticed that you said canvas wrap.
What I really meant to ask, is IF you had used fine art paper (which I agree would
be nice), how would you have mounted the work such that a frame would not
“interrupt” the flow of the image?thanks
rudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica S2 New England Fall Foliage Trip – Day One in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 7 months ago
Would you kindly share how you have mounted the images?
Thank yourudlinfineart replied to the topic Old trucks in the forum Images to Share 12 years, 1 month ago
rudlinfineart replied to the topic 30 mm or 35 mm (or waiting for the 24 mm and the 30-90 zoom) in the forum S Lenses 12 years, 5 months ago
The price of the zoom is not justifiable considering it is neither fast, nor
even fixed (it is variable). I am disappointed and will also stick to the 35
and 70.The 24 would be equivalent of a 19 on 35mm so it is extremely wide.
I would question whether it would be needed even for landscape– it might
indeed be better to…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic And here we go. The NEW S2! in the forum Leica S 12 years, 5 months ago
Some of the “improvements/upgrades” are clearly firmware that could be
added to our S2s.David– will you ask Leica if they plan on offering these firmware upgrades
preferably free, or perhaps at a small cost?In fact, they could even offer to replace our LCD with the new one for a
reasonable cost and I would venture to say, many…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica S-Adapter-H – Use Hasselblad H Lenses on the S2 in the forum Alternative Lenses 12 years, 10 months ago
Even given my reservations as noted in the reply above, I can see one potential benefit of
the adapter —IF the adapter will allow the use of the H tilt-shift adapter, then S owners would finally have
a Tilt-Shift lens capability.Do you know if the leica H adapter will accommodate the H tilt-shift mechanism?
rudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica S-Adapter-H – Use Hasselblad H Lenses on the S2 in the forum Alternative Lenses 12 years, 10 months ago
As I understand the H literature, the H digital lenses are purposely designed NOT to
be optically correct, but require correction in software. It would seem that this limits
the true usability and desirability of these lenses on the S system (unless of course
you just happen to already have the lenses). Why would I want a lens that is…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic Meeting with S2 product manager Stephan Schulz tomorrow in the forum S2 12 years, 10 months ago
Please ask Leica:
(1) Please allow us to write a DNG raw file to BOTH cards at the same time.
Having lost images when a CF card failed, I would like to make a backup
automatically with each image. jpg is NOT the same!(2) They mentioned when you last met with them, that they might have
“focus stacking” analogous to exposure…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic S2 display at the new D.C. Leica store in the forum S2 12 years, 10 months ago
The opening was indeed enjoyable and the Leica staff is to be complimented for making
each visitor feel welcome. The presentation was interesting and well received.Enjoyed seeing David and Josh who kindly introduced me to the leica staff.
I encouraged the Leica executives to have more activities for the S2 owners. I pointed
out…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic Big Cypress Egret in the forum Images to Share 13 years ago
Very nice! I like the textures and the detail. The composition is excellent
making the viewer “search” and “discover” the heron and then further explore
the image trying to determine what is reflection and what is not.rudlinfineart replied to the topic New Article – My Everyday Camera – The Leica S2 in the forum S2 13 years ago
It must be exhilarating to see all those exotic cars in person!
How far were you typically from the car that you appear to have
achieved considerable DOF with a f/5.6 and 35 mm lens. I do not
seem to achieve such. Also, my S2 does not seem to nail the autofocus
as you imply yours does. I always have to tweek the focus…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic New York – Street in the forum Images to Share 13 years, 4 months ago
I enjoy Silver Efex as well. Interesting that you started with Low Key and yet there is so
much terrific detail in the buildings, etc. A testament to the S2 and your skillful application
in Silver Efex.Can you provide a “rule of thumb” for the amount of clarify, sharpness, etc. you typical
find necessary when you make…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic New York – Street in the forum Images to Share 13 years, 4 months ago
Fantastic images, and in particular the last one with the billboard.
Would you kindly reveal your “secret”, i.e. which lens, and what were the
settings? What post processing did you use to create the almost illustrative
look (which is particularly striking and appreciated in this image).Thanks
craigrudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica Vest in the forum Gear For Sale 13 years, 4 months ago
At 25 years, it would be a toss up whether to frame it as a item of art, and
display it above my half century old Leica I inherited from my parents,
or to actually use it in the field. (I have some business suits that are
that old, still in great condition, that I enjoy wearing, so mere age is certainly
not a reason to keep this “in the…[Read more]rudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica vs. Hasselblaud vs. PhaseOne in the forum S2 13 years, 6 months ago
Atanabe, thank you for your kind words regarding my images. I do use a tripod
90% of the time. (10% of the time I am hanging off a cliff or in some equally
ridiculous position where I cannot get my tripod!)It is indeed a difficult decision, solely because of the cost.
I appreciate all the input and advice.
rudlinfineart replied to the topic Leica vs. Hasselblaud vs. PhaseOne in the forum S2 13 years, 6 months ago
Thank you everyone for responding. Per your comments:
(1) My images are predominately nature/landscape and abstract (
(2) I am coming from Nikon 35 mm world(3) I totally agree about the Phase One. It was awkward to hold and use, and
the inability to quickly over-ride autofocus with a manual “tweak” I found…[Read more]