• David Farkas;3897 wrote: Have you tried Quickview in Image Shuttle? The 2MP preview JPG is pushed over the wire before the DNG and displays in about 1-1.5 seconds.

    This function works great to check composition, expression, lighting, etc.

    Thanks for the tip David.

    Will try once my S2 will come back from Leica Portugal,…[Read more]

  • Jack MacD;3885 wrote: Always happy to save someone from having a $5-7000 lens hit the floor, much less a lake.
    I'm curious what drew your attention to this post? I tried to make it attention getting but perhaps I could do better?

    So now tell us your 35mm story please


    Since I just bought a S2 ( I know, I know, not two years…[Read more]

  • RVB;3915 wrote: You haven't missed anything,the D800 sensor is extraordinary,huge DR..but its a next generation sensor.. shadow and highlight recovery is stunning.. (see how well it handles the highlights in the water)

    But the big attraction to the S system is the S glass and I think that in the not too distance future Leica will add a…

    [Read more]

  • antonybphoto;3895 wrote: Thanks for the input guys.

    I guess the thing I keep reading is S is not MF it's just 35mm on steroids.

    Usually people who say that never had a S2 for more than 1 hour in their hands or simply never had one full stop period.

    Just because its SLR/like doesnt mean its a 35mm on steroids. Lots of things a…[Read more]

  • Being a new S2 owner, lots of stuff is new to me.

    Friend this weekend loaned me his 35mm lens * big mistake, but thats another story * and when I put again my 70mm , this triangle appeared. Though it was the exposure comp triangle, but this blinked.

    All was pretty much normal until I came to the forum to well, procastrinate a bit eheheh…[Read more]

  • Also, with LIS and USB, the image takes longer to get to the computer than Hasselblad & Firewire but then again, Its purely a port speed thing.

    Some people moan about it but I find it acceptable / find it strange if Leica in the new S wants to keep the USB but didnt updated the port to USB3, but Leica have their own schedules when it comes to…[Read more]

  • Josh Lehrer;3873 wrote: Leica's Image Shuttle software offers complete control over all the S2's settings including focus, not only can you activate the camera's auto focus, you can type in a physical distance and the lens will focus there. You can also fine-tune the focus in small or large increments. All without touching the camera.


    [Read more]

  • tethered shooting with the S2 is a bit of a .. mehhhh feeling.

    after trying phocus and hasselblad, being able to see the focusing, adjust everything on the computer, Leica Image Shuttle is a bit of a joke. Same with Lightroom.

    Not that I much product and studio shoot, but it would be refreshing to see a nice solution where I could see…[Read more]

  • proenca replied to the topic Anyone Missing Their M? in the forum S2 11 years, 10 months ago

    I'll join what others said here.

    I've been a long, LONG, LONG LONG LONG time M user. M6, then M7, then MP, then M8 since its launch date then M9 since its launch date ( actually first M9 delivered in Portugal was mine – very early serial number, put a deposit once it was announced )

    As Marc said and he put it really well, they are…[Read more]

  • my heart stopped the first time I cleaned my M9 sensor : the exact same thing happened. battery was half charge, put it on cleaning mode, few swipes here, loupe there, swipe here and there and exactly on the millisecond that I was removing the swab, shutter closes.

    Nothing harmed, but really, 1 second later and I really dont know what would…[Read more]