• “A day at the beach”. Miami Beach. Florida. USA. Leica M-P (Typ 240) Summilux-M ASPH 35mm f/1,4
  • “Life Saver” Seydisfjördur. Iceland. Leica M9 Summilux-M ASPH 35mm f/1,4
  • Luis Castañeda posted an update 9 years ago

    Frozen Water-Wheel. (Malá Strana) Prague. Czech Republic. Leica M6 Summicron-M 35mm f/2
  • Luis Castañeda posted an update 9 years ago

    Visit my Exhibition “Ceilings” at Art Bastion Gallery. 2085 NW 2nd Ave. Wynwood. FL 33127
  • Luis Castañeda posted an update 9 years ago

    “Lupins Field” (Lupinus perennis). Iceland. Leica M9. Summilux-M ASPH 35mm f/1,4
  • Luis Castañeda posted an update 9 years ago

    “Ropes”. Djúpivogur. Iceland. Leica M9. Summilux-M 50mm f/1,4
  • In July, I had a unique opportunity to test out the new Leica S (Typ 007). During brainstorming about where to go to try out the new camera, the universe kept pushing me to go to Iceland. So, with some degree of […]

    • great article on the new BEAST

    • David,

      I really enjoyed your writings on your Iceland trip. It brought back many old and good memories. When I was there I had only a Leicaflex SL and a Leica and a series of lenses 19 to 400mm. but I got great shots. I also lugged around my Linhof Master Technika on which i used mostly my 6X7 super Rollex backs. It was just too hard to work with 4X5 plate holders in the cold and dampness. Golfuss (sp) has changed a lot since I was there, for it was much more dramatic in its cascades, but that is what happens with waterfalls and the subsequent erosion of the cliff face from which it fell. By chance, did you get to hike up behind Golfuss (sp), the vista is just breath taking?

      When you spoke of you counter clockwise planned trip of 9 days, I am sorry to say, and sat back and chuckled to myself, saying, there is no way he is going to do that trip in 9 days. j used my Leicas a lot while I was there. It is too bad you did make it to, or knew of Thorsmark (a beautiful island in the middle of huge, hard running glacier river on the south coast of the country. I was there for a year stationed at the NATO air base in Keflivik. When I was there in the towns the homes were mostly just white washed, but ever home had beautifully strong colored door and window boxes. The contrasts were remarkable. My pics of the Icelandic ponies were during a late summer in an early blizzard. Did you try and get any pics of the geysers while you were there????

      In any event, thanks for the trip through Iceland again with the S-007.


    • Thanks for sharing. Iceland has come a long way from my days there in 1979-82. The waterfalls appear to have not changed in the slightest. What? No Blue Lagoon shots?

  • It’s official. Leica has just started delivering the world’s fastest medium format digital camera, and perhaps the most advanced. When I met with the product managers for the new S (Typ 007) at Photokina, I was […]

    • Great review! Does it have a maximum exposure time? I found the maximum on the S006 limiting for nighttime/tripod photography.

      • Currently, the maximum exposure time is 60 seconds, but this might get longer in future firmware releases. I never had any issue with the limit during my testing. I think my longest exposure in 5,000 images was 32 seconds. I also went to a place where it doesn't really get dark in July. So, there's that. 🙂

        • On the 006, the max exposure time was reduced as you upped the ISO, which made 1 min/ISO100 maximum exposure. Does the 007 keep 60 seconds even on higher ISO? Is there any reason you cannot have Bulb on CMOS?

          • The times break down as follows:

            ISO100: 60 Seconds
            ISO200: 60 Seconds
            ISO400: 32 Seconds
            ISO800: 16 Seconds
            ISO1600: 8 Seconds
            ISO3200: 8 Seconds
            ISO6400: 4 seconds
            ISO12500: 2 Seconds

            Judging from this, I'd say that the best bet would be to use ISO 200, as it will be equivalent to ISO 100 @ 2 min, with very little trade-off in image quality. Going to a higher ISO nets you nothing. I'm still expecting Leica to come out with some longer exposure times in upcoming firmware releases.

    • Great pictures.
      After doing the New England trip this fall, you should schedule a group trip to Iceland.

      Thanks for your good work on the review. You have previously put the sensor resolution question to bed. This time to put the removable back issue to bed too.

      The DOF readout was good news for me.

    • The review was terrific. I would like to see a comparison with the 006 in terms of rendering, etc. like you did with the M9 and M240.

      • Thanks. Carrying around two S cameras is a bit more effort than two Ms, so I'm not sure that I'll be doing the same kind of comparison. I did, however, take some portraits of my daughter with both cameras, as well as do some table top controlled comparisons, which I will be publishing in the near future.

    • Great review. I second Peter's request above, for a comparison between 006 and 007 — not can they be made the same, but how are the starting points different?

      But I had to laugh when I saw the map of your intended route around Iceland. I did that route two summers ago, staying indoors, with family of four and less time devoted to photography (except where there are puffins, which we all joined in to do). It took us 14 days, and we had to skip a few things.


    • Great Review David! Always enjoy hearing what your thoughts are…

    • Thanks for the comprehensive review!
      Sounds like a great camera, truly an upgrade to the 006.
      And now I want a 45mm lens…

    • Thanks for the interesting review! Great images!

    • A great report, David. Many thanks.

      I'm contemplating a similar trip and like your accommodation solution. How did the Land Rover Discovery space work out for gear stowage, sleeping and eating ? I'm 6 ft and had doubted that a comfortable nights sleep could be had. Be great to hear your views on this.

      Where did you hire the LR4 from ?


      • The LR4 worked out great for me. I'm 5'10” and had plenty of space. I was even able to keep my boots at the foot of my sleeping bag without bumping into them while I slept. I'd say you would be fine at 6′. My camera bag was on the rear seat on the passenger side and behind that I stacked my duffel bags with clothes and food. Water bottles and butane canisters went on the floor in the back seat. I usually ate behind the wheel or sitting up in the back area, unless it was nice out. My sleeping area extended from the back of the driver's seat to the tailgate. In the LR4, you can fold everything completely flat in this space, so there are no weird bumps.

        I rented the LR4 from Geysir Car rental. They were great.

        Good luck!

        • Many thanks, David.

          It's on my bucket list. It seems very popular, but driving your accommodation is a great way to go.


    • Thanks David. This is a fantastic review, and wow the pictures! It seemed most photos were taken last September in Iceland, am I right? I was there in the same time frame. I compared my M9 photos with yours, it seemed the S typ7's colors were more vivid and saturated. How much PS have you done with yours? And if so, what?

      • Thanks Maurice.

        I was in Iceland in July, so the days were definitely longer than when you went in September.

        I didn't do any Photoshop work to the files. All edits were done completely in Lightroom, then exported to JPG for web. So, no layers, no blending modes, no compositing. All single shots. The S007 DNGs are the most malleable and luscious files I have ever processed. 15.5 stops of DR really helps for landscape shooting.

    • For working professionals, tools of the trade are offset by income. For amateurs, we all have our passions and priorities. Many people will spend much more than this on cars, motorcycles, musical instruments, cruises, ski vacations, fishing boats, etc. For those who love photography and appreciate top quality gear, the Leica S is an amazing tool that produces incredible results.

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