active 4 years, 11 months agoCommunity rating: 37
Some photos during the quarantine. Please #StayHome / Leica SL with APO Summicron 35mm @ f2 View
Kirsten Vignes wrote a new post, Two Weeks in India with the Leica CL: Getting out of my Comfort Zone 6 years, 9 months ago
“Do you want to go to India?”
“What are you talking about, dad?” I half-laughed through the phone.
My father, a recently-ordained pastor, eagerly explained that he’d been invited to India to speak at a few […]
I enjoyed reading of your adventures in India. I had a similar out-of-comfort-zone experience. In 2004-2005 while my father was still alive, I traveled with him on his work in Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam. Over 15 months we made four trips there, each 3-4 weeks in duration. We'd take weekend trips to China (Shanghai and Beijing), Cambodia (Angkor Wat) and Thailand (Bangkok) as well as exploring south and north Viet Nam. It was a terrific adventure and priceless time with my father towards the end of his life. I'm sure you father appreciated your company.
Unfortunately all I had to shoot was the then-new Canon Digital Rebel. But that camera was way better than no camera at all.
I recently bought a CL and sold my Q. In retrospect I should have kept the Q. The pair would be a great travel set. For now I am pairing my CL (with the 23 Summicron and 18-56 zoom) with my M10 and 50 APO Summicron. A little heavy for travel but it covers most of my visual bases.
I'll look forward to more adventure reports from you.