Ornello replied to the topic Where are the film shooters? in the forum Film M Cameras 12 years, 10 months ago
Doug A;2143 wrote: Most of the time I use HP5+. I occasionally use Tri-X, FP4+ or Delta 3200. Most of the time I develop with Ilfotec DD-X. I occasionally use HC-110 or Rodinal.
My scanner is an Epson V700. I do low resolution batch scans with the standard Epson negative holders. I then do high resolution scans of the “keepers” with Better…
Ornello replied to the topic Leica M9P viewfinder frame lines in the forum M9 12 years, 10 months ago
hmarkweidman;2132 wrote: I have a question for Leica M users. Many years ago I shot Leica M film cameras but eventually sold them off, including four beautiful lenses. I recently came back into the Leica fold, with a new M9P and four lenses. The angle of coverage of three of the lenses does not line up accurately with the frame lines in the…
Ornello replied to the topic Where are the film shooters? in the forum Film M Cameras 12 years, 10 months ago
Doug A;2119 wrote: I've been shooting film since 1955. I only shoot B&W and develop my own film. I switched from wet printing to scanning and inkjet printing when I found I preferred the results. My main outfit is an M6 with a 35/2 Biogon. I also have a Nikon F6, a Hasselblad and an X-100 but they don't see a lot of use.
Which…[Read more]
Ornello replied to the topic Where are the film shooters? in the forum Film M Cameras 12 years, 11 months ago
Messsucherkamera;2105 wrote: My suggestion is this: Take a hard look at the M4-P and the M6 classic. You should be able to find a good user version (rated at around 8+) of either for around $1000 American.
Ken Hansen in New York City would be a good place to start your search. You can contacthim by email at…
Ornello replied to the topic R system? in the forum Film M Cameras 12 years, 11 months ago
Jack MacD;2091 wrote: Glad to see some R image postings.
My favorite is Ornello's Button Girl.
One of the more interesting people I found was this seemingly lost soul:
and this child is simply adorable!
Ornello replied to the topic R system? in the forum Film M Cameras 12 years, 11 months ago
Some of my R-system photography is here:
Ornello replied to the topic Favorite Tripod/Head for S2 in the forum Tripods, Monopods and Other Camera Supports 12 years, 11 months ago
Roger;738 wrote: I know to extract the most out of the S2 that a heavy tripod is recommended. Looking at the latest article on Luminous Landscape and David s post on the Telyt conversion …both seem to be using a GITZO 5 series . I have one but use it with a Gimbel head for long lenses .
The series 5 GITZO is as solid as I ve seen but…
Ornello replied to the topic Noctilux 0.95 in the forum Looking to Buy 12 years, 11 months ago
Leica Guy;724 wrote: Looking to buy a Noctilux 0.95 (along with everyone else). Don't need to have a new one, but would like one in mint condition.
Ornello replied to the topic Medium Format is worth it even for web sized prints in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 12 years, 11 months ago
In this article, Mark Dubovoy mentions that HCB spent a lot of time practising with his cameras until every movement was precise and second nature (see quote below in red).* He also practised and worked on how to move in the street so as not to be noticed. In other words, he tried to take into consideration his own presence in the scene being…[Read more]
Ornello replied to the topic Medium Format is worth it even for web sized prints in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 12 years, 11 months ago
Pete Walentin;2068 wrote: 🙂
But as asked, why do you care? Sometimes I like to spent time to create a photo, it is part of my journey. Do I think it is the only way to make a photo? Definitely not. Most times there isn't that much time to do so. And you can continue this and continiue this and continue this… at the end I would say…
Ornello replied to the topic Medium Format is worth it even for web sized prints in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 12 years, 11 months ago
Pete Walentin;2065 wrote: Why you are so angry? Why do you care? There are seven billion people on this planet and I could say I disagree with most of them. But we are only talking here about photography, not about world peace, so there is no reason to call anyone an idiot on a public platform.
PeteWhy am I angry? because I…[Read more]
Ornello replied to the topic Medium Format is worth it even for web sized prints in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 12 years, 11 months ago
To elaborate:
The notion that the spontaneous or inadvertent has no part in great photography is a false one, one I find offensive, deceitful, mendacious, and repugnant.
And this needs to be said!
Ornello replied to the topic Medium Format is worth it even for web sized prints in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 12 years, 11 months ago
The Leica was designed for hand-held use. Leica lenses are designed for brilliance and lovely tonal quality above all, rather than extremely high resolution. Why? It is because resolution of the finest details can be lost with very slight camera movement anyway (hand-held, remember?) but the brilliance and ‘glow' for which Leica lenses are famous…[Read more]
Ornello replied to the topic Vests? in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 12 years, 11 months ago
Are you actually serious? You wear a photo vest?
Ornello replied to the topic Medium Format is worth it even for web sized prints in the forum Miscellaneous Gear 12 years, 11 months ago
Jack MacD;1758 wrote: Very interesting essay in Luminous Landscape that discusses photography and also the value of medium format camera regardless of the size of the print. The author is an S shooter.
Not sure if this link…
Ornello replied to the topic Where are the film shooters? in the forum Film M Cameras 12 years, 11 months ago
c.poulton;2054 wrote: I've been a film shooter all my life 🙂 and I don't see any reason why I should move over to digital. In fact I love film and will continue to shoot with it for as long as I can get rolls of the stuff and process them.
Same here.
Currently shooting with the following:
2 Leicaflex SL2 bodies, 8…[Read more]