Michael Zeleny replied to the topic Anyone Missing Their M? in the forum S2 11 years, 10 months ago
I learned photography on a FED-3, moving to a Nikon F2AS, and thence to a couple of M6 Leicas. I sold my cameras at the end of the last millennium, getting by with disposables and digital point-and-shoots, until buying into the S2 system three years ago. My shoots are split evenly between amateurish product photography with two Broncolor A2L kits…[Read more]
Michael Zeleny replied to the topic S2 woes in the forum S2 11 years, 10 months ago
Josh Lehrer;4424 wrote: Because the sensor cracking issue is a known manufacturer defect, it will be a free repair for the lifetime of the camera (or at least as long as parts are available) so Leica will repair the cracked sensor free of charge even if the camera is out of warranty.
This is not as reassuring as it might be with a report of…[Read more]
Michael Zeleny replied to the topic Leica M with Leica Vario-Elmarit-R 35-70mm f2.8 ASPH at Photo Plus in NYC in the forum Leica M 12 years ago
Josh Lehrer;4234 wrote: This lens is supported by the M, but there is not an in-camera lens profile for it. I believe this is because Leica did not have the lens available to test…although the lens in the above images (which belongs to us) has been loaned to Leica Germany by us so hopefully they will be able to make a profile for it.
Thanks for…[Read more]
Michael Zeleny replied to the topic S-P? in the forum Leica S 12 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for your response, Josh. The warranty on my S2-P expires in a few days. Please clarify any options I have for extending it.
Michael Zeleny replied to the topic Leica M with Leica Vario-Elmarit-R 35-70mm f2.8 ASPH at Photo Plus in NYC in the forum Leica M 12 years, 1 month ago
Any idea why Leica appears not to support this lens on the new M?
http://en.leica-camera.com/news/news/1/9418.htmlMichael Zeleny replied to the topic Leica M with Leica Vario-Elmarit-R 35-70mm f2.8 ASPH at Photo Plus in NYC in the forum Leica M 12 years, 3 months ago
Josh Lehrer;3703 wrote: Leica Vario-Elmarit-R 35-70mm f2.8 ASPH we have here in the store.
Is it for sale?