melantye replied to the topic SF58 not working on S2P? in the forum S2 10 years, 11 months ago
fotografz;6167 wrote: Thanks for answering David.
Yes, I know it is supposed to only work on TTL-HSS … and that is the way it worked before.
Suddenly, TTL-HSS is not available at all in the SF58 selection menu, but TTL is there … then, the camera and flash will fire in just TTL up to 1/4000 in CS mode and up to 1/125 in FP mod…
melantye replied to the topic S120 AF .. in the forum S Lenses 10 years, 11 months ago
David Farkas;6166 wrote: Interesting approach. I'm trying to think about how this could be implemented without creating a possible stumbling block. Imagine you pick up the camera, forget to change the focus zone and end up either thinking the lens is broken or missing a shot because you were fumbling with the menus.
Any thoughts?
The…[Read more]
melantye replied to the topic S120 AF .. in the forum S Lenses 10 years, 11 months ago
RVB;6153 wrote: I've just been using the Hasselblad 120macro (great lens) and one great feature on this lens/body system would be a great idea for the Leica S.. When you add the macro to the H body the A.F settings shows a new setting which is exclusive to this lens,that is the ability the choose from near scan,full scan or infinity scan.
melantye replied to the topic I surrendered my Leica S to my wife 😀 in the forum Images to Share 10 years, 12 months ago
peterv;6120 wrote: That's a good start! I like the website, nice and clean. The portaits are interesting, nice light. Best of luck with her new career!
Thanks for the kind words!
melantye replied to the topic Lens firmware upgrade LLF016 in the forum S Lenses 11 years, 3 months ago
erlingmm;5723 wrote: Just upgraded firmware for my lenses. On checking my Vario 30-90 against the Leica instructions, my lens did not confirm to the firmware version given. It was supposed to be, my lens showed
I read on another forum that the Leica documentation was wrong (and that my lens was ok), can this be…melantye replied to the topic S power management in the forum Leica S 11 years, 4 months ago
RVB;4747 wrote: Your right it does this too,another issue I have is that there is no option to keep the mirror up between shots,the S/S2 is a great camera but I would like to see Leica resolve these issues in the next firmware update…
In firmware settings for bracketing and the self-timer can now be stored in user profiles and…[Read more]
melantye replied to the topic Leica Vario-Elmar-S 30-90 mm in the forum S Lenses 11 years, 4 months ago
Finally got mine as well. Extremely pleased with the lens.
David and Josh, may be you guys can let Leica know my simple (firmware) feature request:
With S lens most times I need to get handheld speed of at least 1/2f instead of 1/f. In aperture priority + auto ISO mode, the S supports setting minimum shutter speed of 1/f or a manual…[Read more]melantye replied to the topic S power management in the forum Leica S 11 years, 8 months ago
RVB;4731 wrote: Maybe I am mistaken but when I set the auto power down on the S it works great but every time I turn the camera off this resets to default which means the battery quickly drains to empty..
Leica need to add the option of making auto power off a default preference,it is ridculous to have to keep replacing the battery.
melantye replied to the topic Radiance – a flower macro shot with S 120mm in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 8 months ago
melantye replied to the topic Lingerie Shoot in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 8 months ago
David K;4706 wrote: Here ya go Mark…glad someone enjoys these shots 🙂 First is the uncropped version of the Noct shot, the others are with the S2 and 70mm.
Superb shots David! Normally I would comment on how magical the Noct shot is. But then I think these 70mm shots are even more breathtaking!
I didn't find the 70mm CS to be…[Read more]
melantye replied to the topic Some shots with M240 and Noct in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 9 months ago
David K;4610 wrote: Shooting a moving target with the Noct wide open and nailing focus is like winning Powerball 🙂
Indeed I hope my brain can incorporate something like the new S camera's predictive focusing:)
melantye replied to the topic Some shots with M240 and Noct in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 9 months ago
Scott997;4607 wrote: Congrats on your M! What lens did you shoot the 2nd picture with?
Thanks Scott! They're all captured with the Noctilux 0.95
melantye replied to the topic Fun in the Sun in the forum Images to Share 11 years, 10 months ago
David K;4554 wrote: Jack, I keep the battery pack well behind me on a towel or sheet. I'll typically look to see where the wet sand stops, past where the waves have reached and put it there. Despite having done this countless times I am still occasionally surprised just how fast the tide can come in and how far a mini rogue wave can wash past…
melantye replied to the topic SDXC card issue? in the forum Leica S 11 years, 10 months ago
Ok SDXC card issue resolved, thanks to Alex AR's post
(1) Do not format SDXC card in Leica S since out of factory they're ExFat format
(2) Instead, format SDXC card in PC/Mac first into MS-DOS(FAT) format.
(3) Then format the card in Leica S again just to make sureHappily now the card works in S.
melantye replied to the topic First prints from M Monochrom in the forum M Monochrom 12 years, 9 months ago
Looking forward to the review David! Also if possible, please share with us how you'd like to process the files from MM.
melantye replied to the topic Adjust EC in 1/3 increments? in the forum S2 12 years, 10 months ago
PebblePlace;2327 wrote: Is there a way to set the EC adjustment to step in 1/3 increments rather than 1/2 step increments?
I think David mentioned sometime ago that it's not a priority with Leica currently. I guess to achieve the new increments they need precise calibration at each ISO level.
Edit: I found the original link here, please…[Read more]
melantye replied to the topic Meeting with S2 product manager Stephan Schulz tomorrow in the forum S2 12 years, 10 months ago
David K;2278 wrote: I want a dual sensor S3…that can switch back and forth between B&W and color by rotating a dial. And I'd like royalties if they implement my idea… 🙂
They can add that BW mode with the CS switch, that way does not change the form factor or add any unnecessary buttons 😀
melantye replied to the topic Meeting with S2 product manager Stephan Schulz tomorrow in the forum S2 12 years, 10 months ago
Please ask if they're planing on Leica S Monochrom:p joking of course.
Very impressive news on the CS lenses!
melantye replied to the topic S2 shooting technique advice pleas in the forum S2 12 years, 10 months ago
fotografz;2181 wrote: One wonders how all the wonderful photography was taken before the advent of automation … LOL!
Practice perhaps?
One thing of value when shooting wedding photography, is that it forces a relationship with any given camera. If you use a S2 for it's strengths, then you must practice techniques that mitigate any…
melantye replied to the topic Suggestions for feature additions in future S2 firmware updates in the forum S2 12 years, 10 months ago
This post seems be abandoned for a while…
So users here really want 1-click zoom, which is yet to be implemented. Today I am thinking of the annoying way to pan/scroll when reviewing an image. Even after 6 months I still cannot get used to it, it's just not intuitive.
I have an idea: in review mode, we can use a long push on the 4…[Read more]
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