Likaleica commented on the post, B&W ISO Showdown 2021: Leica Q2 Monochrom / M10 Monochrom / Q2 / M10-R 4 years ago
In reply to: David Farkas wrote a new post, B&W ISO Showdown 2021: Leica Q2 Monochrom / M10 Monochrom / Q2 / M10-R Since publishing the my B&W ISO Showdown last year, a new Leica Monochrom contender has entered the ring. And it's not an M. The Q2 Monochrom is the first non-M camera to get the purely black and white treatment […]View
Thanks, David. Great job as usual!
Likaleica commented on the post, B&W ISO Showdown 2020: Leica M10 Monochrom vs. M Monochrom (Typ 246) vs. M10-P vs. SL2 4 years, 10 months ago
In reply to: David Farkas wrote a new post, B&W ISO Showdown 2020: Leica M10 Monochrom vs. M Monochrom (Typ 246) vs. M10-P vs. SL2 Shortly after the M Monochrom (Typ 246) was introduced back in early 2015, I published an article comparing it to an M (Typ 240) with its color files converted to black and white to see if high ISO performance […]View
That's a TON of work, David. Thanks for the information.
Likaleica replied to the topic Now comes the dilemma. to S or not to S? in the forum Leica S 10 years, 5 months ago
Marc. I don't know what you decided but I decided to S from S2. Glad I did.
Likaleica replied to the topic S2 and/or M tethering to iPad in the forum Workflow and Processing 11 years ago
Thanks, David. I'm just looking to be able to check a larger image while out doing landscapes, etc, rather than magnifying the LCD on the computer. Interestingly, the EyeFi website does not list either the S cameras or the M (240) as compatible with their cards and software.