Kirsten Vignes wrote a new post, Two Weeks in India with the Leica CL: Getting out of my Comfort Zone 6 years, 9 months ago
“Do you want to go to India?”
“What are you talking about, dad?” I half-laughed through the phone.
My father, a recently-ordained pastor, eagerly explained that he’d been invited to India to speak at a few […]
David Farkas wrote a new post, Essential Filters for Landscape Photography 6 years, 9 months ago
As a landscape photographer, I’m always looking for an edge. Light is fleeting, and those elusive magical moments that we venture untold distances for often last for just an instant. In my experience, the best d […]
an outstanding review… as usual!
Your excellent filter article transports me back to a fall trip with you and Josh back in 2011. It was the first morning of a seven day shoot and you were explaining to eight Leica photographers just these same filter details, only right in front of us.
I too had felt up to that morning that digital post replaced the need for filters. Your fifteen minute demo changed my mind. The only problem was that we were in the wild and there was no photo store on the shore. And you had advised us all before the trip that we would want to have such filters with us. And I had ignored you.
Fortunately you explained that you brought along on the trip some extra sets of filters available for purchase. I did so immediately in case you might run out of supply. That purchase allowed me to vastly improve my photos for the rest of the trip and the rest of my career.I have subsequently broken only one filter in the subsequent years, and that was when I had the filter holder a bit too loose. Haven't done that since. The cases are plenty of protection.
I commented on the forum back seven years ago regarding how GLASS filters vs the old plastic filters I had used before, made all the difference.
see Oct 12, 2011 4:08The photo I show in my reply was shot with a graduated ND filter I had bought from you minutes before. It paid for itself many time over as the photo was later sold worldwide over 40 times.
But now you have shared your advice to everyone without them having to go on a trip with you.
How very kind.
But it makes me want to go on another trip.Jack, you need to join us for a workshop sooner rather than later!
David F., do you like the multi filter case for on-location, or do you prefer the individual cases for the glass filters? Seems like one case is ideal, but then you get wet weather locations and might prefer to have one case per filter…
Thanks for such a detailed article – this is great and brought to light several things I had not though of..
David K.
I prefer to use the individual cases. They allow a little more flexibility in carrying what I might need without extra bulk. Often, I'll just pop a filter or two in the hand pocket of my shell jacket. The multi filter case would be too thick.
A 10-stop (3.0) is a bit strong in most cases, but highly useful in others. I'd recommend a 6-stop (1.8) as a good, general use solid ND.
Nice post. For my landscape photography i'm using two ND grad together. A number of the cheaper ND grads are a good place to start out specially brands such Cokin are good. Expensive brands offer high quality , and in some cases the filters are handcrafted . If you discover that you would love the effect these filters give, then you'll want to invest in some Lee filters or Singh-Ray. These are top filter brands and therefore the results from these products are amazing.
Thanks for your comprehensive narration.
David Farkas wrote a new post, Leica APO-Summicron-SL 75mm f/2 ASPH Review 6 years, 10 months ago
The Leica SL System continues to grow and mature. Two and a half years since the SL (Typ 601) launched, Leica’s focus is now on expanding the lens lineup. The 24-90 and 90-280, the first two SL lenses, are the f […]
I enjoyed reading of your adventures in India. I had a similar out-of-comfort-zone experience. In 2004-2005 while my father was still alive, I traveled with him on his work in Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam. Over 15 months we made four trips there, each 3-4 weeks in duration. We'd take weekend trips to China (Shanghai and Beijing), Cambodia (Angkor Wat) and Thailand (Bangkok) as well as exploring south and north Viet Nam. It was a terrific adventure and priceless time with my father towards the end of his life. I'm sure you father appreciated your company.
Unfortunately all I had to shoot was the then-new Canon Digital Rebel. But that camera was way better than no camera at all.
I recently bought a CL and sold my Q. In retrospect I should have kept the Q. The pair would be a great travel set. For now I am pairing my CL (with the 23 Summicron and 18-56 zoom) with my M10 and 50 APO Summicron. A little heavy for travel but it covers most of my visual bases.
I'll look forward to more adventure reports from you.