jobstatement replied to the topic Traveling light in the forum Bags and Cases 10 months, 3 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing your experience!
jobstatement started the topic The real estate market is crazy right now in the forum General Leica Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago
The real estate market is crazy right now
So we have been looking to buy a vacation cabin or house on a couple acres for a few years now. We narrowed it down to the Western NC area and were finally ready to pull the trigger on something this past year.What in the holy hell are people smoking? Is it just Western NC that is completely bat shit…[Read more]
jobstatement started the topic Gambling very risky investment game. in the forum General Leica Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago
Gambling as we all know is a risky game which only those with stone mind could undertake. It is a very risky with no guarantee of winning.
It is an investment which it's probability to win is 0. Many may claimed of having a winning formula to a particular game yet, it is pure lie. There are some of the games on gambling whose winning are by…[Read more]jobstatement started the topic Phone games in the forum General Leica Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago
I love Wordzee! which is sort of a mash up of Yahtzee and scrabble. You can play against people in real time or do instant matches where you play through a whole game without waiting for the other person to take their turn. They also have a bunch of challenges.
My dad plays so I think it’s on android?
jobstatement started the topic Blossom (word game) in the forum General Leica Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago
Blossom Puzzle, March 22
Letters: A E N V R S T
My score: 276 points
My longest word: 10 letters
💮 🌺 🌹 💐 🌸 🌻 🌷 🌼 🏵 💮 attention to the how the scoring works with the gold leaf letter. It's a fun Scrabble like word…
jobstatement started the topic AirBnB in the forum General Leica Discussion 1 year, 2 months ago
Has anyone got an AirBnB rental near them that creates a nuisance?
Aside from my utter disdain for what they’ve done to the housing market we’ve got one down the street from us that is an absolute pain in the behind.
It’s a very quiet street with already difficult parking, and the house a few doors down is let out to groups of up to 6 somet…[Read more]
jobstatement started the topic TDIU and stocks in the forum General Leica Discussion 2 years, 1 month ago
Hi all. So I just have 1 question. If I invest money in the stock market or even start stock trading regularly, how does that affect my TDIU if at all. Thanks in advance
jobstatement replied to the topic TDIU and stocks in the forum General Leica Discussion 2 years, 1 month ago
Hello! It's hard to say how it will affect, start first, get a profit for at least a few months in a row, then you'll understand from your budget how it
ll affect TDIU and taxes. If it
ll be a non-permanent income, then of course it isnt profitable, especially if you don
t have a safety cushion. Forex as a whole isnt an easy thing to do, it's hard…
[Read more]jobstatement replied to the topic TDIU and stocks in the forum General Leica Discussion 2 years, 1 month ago
It's hard to say how it will affect, start first, get a profit for at least a few months in a row, then you'll understand from your budget how it
ll affect TDIU and taxes. If it
ll be a non-permanent income, then of course it isnt profitable, especially if you don
t have a safety cushion. Forex as a whole isnt an easy thing to do, it's hard not to…
[Read more]jobstatement replied to the topic Should I refinance my VW Credit Loan? in the forum General Leica Discussion 2 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for the information.