hemogif293 replied to the topic I've been testing a bunch of trading strategies lately, and I keep wondering—how in the forum General Leica Discussion 2 days, 20 hours ago
Just came across this discussion, and it’s really interesting. I’ve always wondered how much traders actually rely on backtesting. It seems like a good tool for getting an idea of whether a strategy works, but I guess it’s not a perfect predictor of live results.
I’ve heard some people use Monte Carlo simulations to test the robustness of their s…[Read more]
hemogif293 started the topic What are the psychological triggers of road rage and how to manage them? in the forum General Leica Discussion 1 week, 1 day ago
I have always considered myself a pretty calm driver but sometimes I catch myself getting irrationally angry over small things A few days ago I was driving home and another car suddenly cut me off without using a turn signal I could feel my heart rate go up and for a second I had the urge to honk or react but I stopped myself It made me wonder…[Read more]
hemogif293 changed their profile picture 1 week, 1 day ago