• I wouldn't hold my breath for a new M monochrome based on the M240 camera that sports a CCD sensor. But, hey, ya never know : -)

    As a follow up, I have a CS45 mm winging its way to me to try out. I suspect that focal length will be my “one lens” walk about since 35mm focal length is what I favor on a M or any other 35mm camera.

    It may be…[Read more]

  • Thanks again Tom.

    I haven't had much issue with AF hunting, except with the 120 which has a longer throw due to being a Macro. I usually manually focus that lens.

    I agree that life is too short to speculate on what may be. In this case I'd rather call it pre-planning because I'm getting up there in age, and moves made now are ones I'll…[Read more]

  • Thanks Tom, I truly appreciate such openly candid thoughts.

    Yes, my biggest reluctance is because my S2P is reliable and delivers the image qualities I prefer. AFc is not something I would use whether improved on the S or not. I've never even used it on cameras that are great at it. GPS holds little to no interest.

    A bit better ISO…[Read more]

  • Oh Jack, I'd never trade the S2P in on this deal … I think Leica will take almost anything:

    As part of its centennial celebrations, “100 Years of Leica Photography,” Leica Camera is pleased to offer the S-System Trade Up Program effective April 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014. Through this program, customers can trade in any SLR camera or mediu…[Read more]

  • Could be either … if I sell some other stuff, I can keep the S2P … if not, I fear the S2P will not garner what it is really worth on the used market.

    Actually. $15K would buy a few very nice trips to use the S2P … which is the real competition against doing this.

    In fact, I could spend the next winter in the Tropics, instead of huddl…[Read more]

  • Paratom;6080 wrote: could it be that optimizing DR for a certain sensor means that there will be less “in between” tonal graduations. I heard somewhere else that there is often a compromise between optimizing a sensor and software for high ISO low noise and DR for the price getting worse color.
    I dont know if it is true.

    Not sure what it…[Read more]

  • This is an interesting discussion, and one that may be subject to change if and when Leica moves to a higher ISO capable CMOS sensor in the S camera.

    The S Vario is an enticing lens for its versatility and general usage. It would work in my lens line up because all of my S lenses (and one Hasselblad HC lens) are leaf-shutter. The Vario is not…[Read more]

  • Jack MacD;5993 wrote: Marc,
    Two points:
    The Sony sensor is so close to the size of the S I assume they asked Leica if they would buy some. I suspect that the sensor is actually 45mm not 44. ( Worse case Leica does a 2% crop ) So then the issue is frame ratio. Leica stays 3×2 and the others closer to 4×5. The fact that the competition has gone…

    [Read more]

  • 50 meg 1.3X crop frame MFD is now a reality. H and P1 have announced it. Others are sure to follow.

    Personally, I'm firmly in the CCD camp, and really not all that interested in going beyond 40 meg.

    It would be great if Leica were to produce a higher meg S camera for those that actually need it, while maintaining a more “usable” S camera…[Read more]

  • fotografz replied to the topic RE: Elpro for S180? in the forum S Lenses 10 years, 7 months ago

    Thank you!

    Looks like adding the Elpro doesn't take anything away from the S180, and allows closer work than possible without it.

    – Marc

  • fotografz replied to the topic Noctilux with glass bubble in the forum M Lenses 11 years ago

    Send it back.

    IMO, you should NOT be worried about anything for $11,000.

    Personally, if buying this lens used, it'd still be very expensive and I would not buy one with a bubble myself … I'd look for another one.

    – Marc

  • Well, Jack opened it up for a “philosophical discussion”, so we got one. Finally.

    While Ornello may be overtly passionate in his opinion, and most certainly wildly personal in his delivery … I say … so what? Why get angry? Why not? Why not slice and dice where photography has been, where it is, and where it is heading? If not us, then…[Read more]

  • Nicely done!

    I'd use the S2 near sand and water with little trepidation Can't treat these tools as being too precious … but changing lenses needs to be done with great care as the S sensor attracts dust like an over zealous magnet.

    Jack, great idea to put the strobe generator in a cooler when near water! My main portable strobe is a…[Read more]

  • Love the triptych Jack!

    Would look great printed very large on a deserving wall.


  • Very nice start.

    You used 1/160 shutter, but could've used any shutter down to 1/1000 with the CS lens. How fast would depend on the brightness of the background and creatively how you would want the sky to look.

    For example, 1/500 shutter would make the background go a bit darker, more saturated. Then you would adjust the key strobe…[Read more]

  • Fixed.

    Thanks to Kelsey Fains of Leica USA, and the fast acting technical wizards in Germany.

    Let the jobs begin!


  • Thanks Mark!

    Yeah, it seems Germany can fix this and asked for a second IDSO 160 DNG shot of a uniform grey unfocused surface which I sent yesterday.

    Kelsey confirmed that once you load this calibration to eliminate the dead pixel that's causing the red line, it is permanent solution and you just reload the most current firmware or any…[Read more]

  • Thanks everyone!

    Fortunately, the affected files were few, and not all that critical. I easily did a pixel row selection and used Content Aware Fill in PS6 to correct them.

    If I had a lot of files like this, I suppose I could write an action and batch it to all files.

    I have been in contact with Kelsey Fain, S2 Product Specialist,…[Read more]

  • fotografz replied to the topic 24mm in use in the forum S Lenses 11 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for doing this Jack. Very helpful.


  • rootbeer;4416 wrote: Marc, Excellent explanation that even I understood. Question: If I get the Nikon receivers can I mount a Canon 580 set to A? Can the on camera SF58 remain TTL?
    Thanks a bunch!

    Yes Jim, you can use any speed-light that is set to A because only the center universal contact point on the speed-light's hot shoe…[Read more]

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