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Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 119 total)
  • #2623

    Thanks for all the photos, very useful. I am intrigued by this bag, even more now…:cool:

  • #2523

    Brian;2480 wrote: SO: Some IR leakage, much less than the M8 w/o filter. After seeing this, I don't mind leaving the Hot Mirror filters on the fast lenses for the M9.

    Agreed; I leave the UV/IR blocking filters on, with the M9… and it also seems to reduce red corners with wide lenses too. Further, it's handy as I use M8 as well and can just leave the filters on the lenses. Good illustrations!

  • #2287

    Interesting, thanks for sharing… and congratulations for the bug detection! I don't have a grip. What sold you on them?

  • #2059

    An interesting article, thanks! In regard to his problem with the purple, perhaps it's coincidence that with a light high and contre-jour, the purple appeared in the lower portion, whereas when he had strong light to the left, purple appeared on the right…

  • #1994

    Eric, thank you very much; this will be handy.


  • #1763

    Nice link, Michael, and it's good to see the sequence is the same. Note that despite mirror up, the focal plane shutter still does its thing, opening and closing. Any slight jiggle from the focal plane shutter opening could be negated by a delay in the release of the leaf shutter… if possible?

  • #1760

    Hi Michael – I have a Pentax 67 and leaf shutter lens, and I guess the Leica may have the same sequence of actions. Cock the leaf shutter. Press camera shutter button. Mirror rises. Focal plane shutter first curtain opens. Leaf shutter clicks. Focal plane shutter second curtain closes. Mirror comes down. Lots of movement going on, unlikely the leaf shutter has any advantage other than flash sync. It would be cool if the leaf shutter exposure could be delayed.

  • #1752

    Nice shots! I've not been there, but it appears there's quite a variety of life on South Beach! Now that guy in the late-40's Pontiac (?) coupe, what's the story… is he a street mime posing?

  • #1747

    Yes, the M9 is very versatile, and has its place even in the presence of the S2. I've also been using my M8, especially in high-IR environments.

    I took only the M9 on a recent vacation trip… with less bulk, very easy to carry and pack. I had a UV/IR Cut filter on its 35 Summilux ASPH to suppress even more IR, and also to slightly cool the warm corners from the camera's overcorrection.

  • #1746

    Yes, the M9 is very versatile, and has its place even in the presence of the S2. I've also been using my M8, especially in high-IR environments.

    I took only the M9 on a recent vacation trip… with less bulk, very easy to carry and pack. I had a UV/IR Cut filter on its 35 Summilux ASPH to suppress even more IR, and also to slightly cool the warm corners from the camera's overcorrection.

  • #1724

    andyc;1555 wrote: .. the instructions state a file size of 7.9 Mb but the download only shows 7.55 Mb.

    Different operating systems calculate Mb differently. Getting info on the firmware file shows it as 7927512 bytes. Traditionally, a Kb is 1024 bytes and a Mb is 1024 K, so dividing that number by 1024 and then 1024 again should reveal the file is 7.56 Mb.

    Or, these days some computers figure a Kb is 1000 bytes, etc. So, dividing 7927512 bytes by 1000 twice gets you 7.93 Mb. Take your pick. 😎

    Glad you got great service and worked out the firmware update.

  • #1710

    And here's a sample of the latest 55mm f/4 Pentax-67 lens. There were three different 55mm lenses, the earliest an f/3.5 Takumar using 100mm filters (!), and then two 55mm f/4, the first one on the market only a few years. The last one has one fewer element, and has the lens info printed on the beveled front edge of the focusing ring, typical of the latest versions. Click for larger size
    Edit: Forgot to mention that in the full size TIFF I can see an airborne flock of crows above the left side of the Liberty…

  • #1709

    Thanks for the comment, Ray… So far, with informal use, I have the impression that the 100mm Macro does the best on the S2. Not too surprising given that it's a slow macro and one of the final P67 lenses introduced.

    The latest 200mm f/4 looks sharper to me than the 165mm f/4… here's a sample (click for larger):

  • #1684

    Yes, thanks, got it on my iPad and it is easy to navigate, though linear. Interesting portfolios to study, and the tech article about optics is by Michael J. Hussmann, who should be known to members here.

  • #1356

    Welcome, dscott! I was fortunate to acquire “sufficient” Leica M lenses before the M9 came along and the pricing took off. I do think it's the popularity of the M9 that is driving the demand, coupled with Leica's limited production capability. Short supply and a healthy demand results in sky-high pricing. And now Leica has the S2 system in production as well. I don't know how this will play out in future. Maybe the demand will gradually be satisfied.

    In the meantime, there are two other main options for new M lenses, from Voigtlander and Zeiss. Careful shopping in that direction can result in finding some useful gems at modest cost.

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