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Viewing 8 posts - 166 through 173 (of 173 total)
  • #505
    David K

    I frequently need to lock down my settings and use the DOF button for this purpose. It brings up the menu item which allows this but it's an extra and, in my case, unnecessary step. I prefer the way it works on the Nikon D3s. Don't know if this is firmware fixable or not…

    Also, I occasionally lose my custom functions when switching batteries or when the battery goes dead (I think). David and Josh showed me how to export them to the SD card and then import them when that happens. This really shouldn't happen under any circumstances.

  • #496
    David K

    Sold… to the guy who swore he wasn't going to double up on focal lengths with the M system.

  • #489
    David K

    Thanks Jack. I've read good things about the Quadra… and the results speak for themselves. Nice work.

  • #487
    David K

    Gorgeous shots… love them all. Out of curiosity what kind of lighting setup do you use?

  • #482
    David K

    It was. Would be bad news for any shoot but when it's scantily clad models it's a disaster 🙂 Not sure why these are showing up so bright on this post.

    Attached files

  • #430
    David K

    Hey Al… David didn't say what kind of ticket. I think Greyhound goes from Ft. Lauderdale… only takes 3 days, 14 hours and 55 mins.

  • #429
    David K

    I can barely get the SB 900 Nikon flash to give me the look I like, i.e. gentle fill that does not make it obvious that flash was used. I think the problem for me is that the flash is smarter than I am… it wants (and knows how) to give me a properly exposed capture. What I've wound up doing on the Nikon system is to punch in a negative EV in the hope that the flash will “underexpose” and give me what I really want. I realize this is non-responsive to the question but figured I'd answer the first part…”Tell me everything you know about flash…” since it only takes a couple of sentences to do that 😀 Roger knows about flash and I'm sure David does too, maybe they can enlighten us. Meanwhile I'll continue to use my strobes.

  • #390
    David K

    Hey Woody,

    Good to see you over here and can't wait for a bunch more guys to join us. Regarding the AF, I need to do some more testing too. Roger says he's got the way the AF works figured out and knows how to “trick” it when need be… and he's pretty smart about this stuff. Got a friend request from you and am more than happy to accept once I figure out how 😮

Viewing 8 posts - 166 through 173 (of 173 total)