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  • #3338

    … and the GPS is the most accurate I have ever used. A great big plus to Solms here. Not sure about battery life yet


  • #3337

    Arif;3960 wrote: Ed, Would love to see the higher ISO shots to be able to see if that will move me over. What is your thought on the AF?
    Thank you!

    Hi Arif

    I'll post some that are “fair” to the camera. Most of what I have to date at ISO 1600 is with the Hassy 120 and I was a little too quick in stating that the adaptor worked better with the S. There is still an issue of recognising the lens.

    Attached are some comparisons with the 30 mm S. Not world shattering composition, just sitting at my desk. Handheld so no criticisms here please!

    The low res is the whole image and then I have taken 100% crops on the black NAS drive. With a bit of noise suppression the images are OK … about the same as D800 certainly not D4!

    The AF is good if you have a lot of light, hunts a little in low light, nothing new there.



    Attached files

  • #3331

    There are some very cool cables in the box. No more custom cables for Pocket Wizards and wireless remote. Hassy adaptor seems a bit more reliable too.

    The new menu system seems reasonably clean.

    ISO 1600 seems useable …. Maybe D800-like noise?

    Old peeve STILL here … I want to choose the priority CF/SD but cannot.

    Will hopefully get out to shoot tomorrow


  • #3328

    I have a big black box with the letter S on it sitting beside me! And a battery charging ……

    More later


  • #3277

    Hi Antony

    Nice gallery. Your work looks ideal for MF and the S2 to me. Big animals that you would not be needing 600 mm + for on a 35 mm are what the S system is for. It will never be a platform for birding though …. it is surprisingly good for insect macro in the field.


  • #3276

    The update installs with no issues as far as I am concerned. Still no improvement on the recognition of the Hassy adaptor which is still a little bit hit and miss …


  • #2676

    Dear all

    Very hard to say.

    The real need is high ISO, but the reality is that the S2/3 will never challenge the D800E or the D4.

    Long lenses? But again, MF will never really come into competition with 35 mm.

    For me the killer development would be a genuine 1:1 macro lens. I bought into the system inter alia for the macro capability. The 120 macro is one of the best lenses I have .. certainly equivalent to the 100 makro planar on the Nikon. But I really want 1:1.

    I think this means that I am happy with the system as is. I am currently going through an enormous mental agony regarding the portability of one system (Nikon D4 + 800E) or two (Dx? plus S2).

    S system adapters for Nikon would be very interesting!


  • #2068

    irakly;1933 wrote:
    As to the price tag, look at it this way: Leica S2 is a system, which makes 35mm SLR unnecessary for the most part. So, there is no need to maintain two systems. It really saves you 10-15 grand, depending on your lens lineup.
    Even for those who shoot wildlife and sports, all you need is one 35mm SLR body and a 300/2.8 lens.


    I agree with you 90%. The only points I would raise are that in the 35 mm system 300 is never long enough for wildlife (in fact no lense is!) and also to lament the lack of a true 1:1 macro for the S system. The 100 is a fantastic lense but is not ideal for insects! Easily solved with close-up filters. Hassy users are better off here?


  • #2038

    Of course, if there were an adaptor to mount S2 lenses on the D800 ;););)

  • #2037

    And another from yesterday. Slight correction to the perspective in CS5.

    Attached files

  • #2036

    I think that I have fallen in love with this one!

    Sunset on my way home tonight.


    Attached files

  • #2034

    I am happy … Collecting mine tomorrow


  • #1866

    I got mine at random. Although on order for several months, I happened to walk into a Leica store in Zuerich and they had received one from Solms that morning. Needless to say, its residence time “in stock” was very low.


  • #1851

    andyc;1699 wrote: I have also replaced my other S2 with a microprism problems doing this..
    however, does anyone know why there is a extra smaller tab on it compared to the other screens..probably a simple answer but I can't figure it out right now.

    I'd like to know that as well … Btw the microprism screen is fantastic for macro

  • #1811

    And a Happy New Year from Basel.

    Thanks to David and Josh for their initiative in this community.


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)