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  • #4641

    David Farkas;6211 wrote: Ed,

    Cool stuff, indeed.

    One note on the Leica 120mm APO: you are absolutely correct about the retraction of the lens at infinity. This can also pose an issue when using a 4″ filter carrier. Our workaround is a simple, inexpensive and low-tech one. We took a cheap 72mm UV filter and knocked the glass out of it, providing just a spacer ring. You may wish to try this with your ring flash setup.

    Thanks David

    I did try this, but I suspect that I didn't use a cheap enough filter (in other words, there was still a retraction issue. I have got my machine shop turning a custom 5mm spacer ring that should do the job.

    My guess is that I will just about get this project completed about the time that Leica announce the CMOS body and throw us all into turmoil again!


  • #4638

    I just do not understand why I missed this combination earlier. It is perfect for macro work (and is actually how I have my DSLRs set up). I really do not understand why I assumed that the back button would not override setting MF in camera — ddoooh!

    Anyway, a smart sand lizard from today using this method.


  • #4630

    Jack MacD;6189 wrote: Welcome Paul,
    Regarding autofocus, my initial procedure with primes has been to keep the camera on manual focus and have the rear button set for auto focus. That way, I push the rear button to bring it into focus and release it. Then I can recompose as I wish, with no seeking issues.
    Since getting the Zoom, I have switched to AF but not the continuous AF (unless shooting action) and am happy with the result.
    I think once you spend more than a few minutes with the camera, you will be comfortable. I used to shoot with a multi spot AF and still preferred to use the center spot with a focus and recompose technique.
    Let's see what others suggest.


    Thanks for the lightbulb moment. It had not occurred to me that setting the back button to AF would override an MF setting in camera. This is brilliant .. will check it out when I get home


  • #4537


    Many thanks … I had started to come to the conclusion that longer glass really would need to be Hassy H or maybe Mamiya or Contax.

    Thanks for the heads up


  • #4141

  • #4111

    peterv;4909 wrote: Just a quick update: the second adapterI tried had exactly the same issues as menos describes. This made me reconsider my purchase. I've sent the adapter back for a refund, obviously there are adapters that work flawlessly, but you know, twice bitten … I cannot work with an adapter that is unreliable. I'll stick to S lenses for now.

    This was exactly the problem with my Hasselblad adaptor … The lense was forgotten after the camera switched out. The replacement behaves perfectly .. Thankyou Leica


  • #3951

    After seven months on order I finally collected the Vario today! looking forward to getting out this afternoon!


  • #3718

    Alex AR;4382 wrote: Today I lost the cap that goes on top of the ocular. Yes, that little round thing with the magnet where I knew from the beginning that I would eventually lose it. 😡

    Anybody found a smart way of attaching it to the camera so that it does not disappear? Yes, there is a solution called “pocket”, I know, but the problem isn't not losing it when it is out of its place of use, but not losing it when it is doing what it is supposed to do, i.e. sit on the ocular. Are you guys using it at all?

    Probably the spare part with the highest stock turn – and gross margin – in Leica's BOM. :p

    There is that funny hook contraption on the back which sort of fits the camera strap. I tend to leave it in the camera bag or at home.


  • #3710

    Hi Peter

    What new grip? I can confirm that my old one works well on the S … So logic says that the opposite should be true.

    Where are you in Switzerland? If close to Basel, you are welcome to try my old grip.

  • #3509

    That is really cool Jack


  • #3421

    Josh Lehrer;4053 wrote: Here are links to some early versions of my Lightroom 4 Leica S presets, one for each ISO:


    I am open to all suggestions of course so please download them and try them out. I haven't done any color calibration yet so these presets are designed to optimize sharpening, noise reduction, and tonality.

    Thanks for posting these. Will try them as soon as we get somerhing other than rain!


  • #3413

    Josh Lehrer;4043 wrote: Very nice Joe! I am glad you were able to make use of the +0.5 EV technique. While the S puts out a great file from the camera, there is a lot of “potential” in the files that can be brought out with a combination of tone adjustment, sharpening, and noise reduction (for higher ISOs) within Lightroom 4. I have found that the S images can take considerably more adjustment than the S2, as such I am working on some new presets. I would be happy to send you (or anyone else interested) some beta samples of my presets if you like!

    Hi Josh

    Happy New Year. I'd be happy to give your LR4 presers a shakedown.



  • #3349

    Thanks Josh

    Any idea about the pin mapping yet?


  • #3347


    I am not sure if I am being exceptionally stupid here, but it seems to me that Leica have completely changed the LEMO connection so that the old remote release for the S2 (and the custom cables I have for wireless) simply do not fit. The change is from the old red dot five pin to a new six pin layout. Can you confirm this and also if you are aware of a new style remote cable?

    I cannot get my pocket wizards to fire it over the X-sync (fair enough) … so what can one do?


  • #3341


    Thanks for the heads-up on the UDMA7 1000x CF cards.


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