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  • #2974
    Bob Moore

    PebblePlace;3153 wrote:

    Hopefully Leica rethinks the pricing.

    After using the HC 50-110 I think it comes down to the following:

    S2 (New S?) users rarely balk at the price if the product delivers …. and with a slow zoom the question becomes what price for convenience?

    Surely not 10K when your prior lenses fill the focal lengths…and you prefer to handhold or use a monopod…not a 20 pound tripod to support the glass.

    In Leica World 10K is the new starting point…I expect that the prices will continue their heavenly ascension in spite of users real world economic concerns. The new M 50 Apo may merit the fee…a slow zoom, however stellar it be, may not.

    Interesting times…avoid the vortex…Thorsten Ovargaard commented recently that he did not use the S2 much as it was so perfect as to be boring:

    I was reading Annie Leibovitz's Pilgrimage and she commented that Julia Margaret Cameron similarly avoided great depth of field as she found that limited DOF enhanced the beauty of her portraits…(Pilgrimage p. 197) – her technically flawed pictures were more appealing.

    In short a technically perfect slow zoom may not appeal to those who prefer a different look and are willing to carry a bit more stuff…especially at these prices.


  • #2959
    Bob Moore

    Of course you are right Roger…great warranty pricing.

    Discount your present S2 and factor in the upgrade cost…you may end up paying quite a bit for the new S2.005 warranty. Probably a better deal for a new buyer.

    The camera has been fairly problem free for me…hard to see where I will spend the upgrade costs for repair.

    Wishful thinking? Hope not….


  • #2956
    Bob Moore

    One might assume that the S2 production and research cost have been amortized and really other that a couple of $25 ASICs and Gorilla Glass…which has been used on a couple billiion Cell Phones….nothing new but a bit of FW massaging.

    So their net profit per camera is up?

    Sounds good to me….

    Doubt that any of this is a reason to upgrade your present S2…..


  • #2951
    Bob Moore

    Brian;3102 wrote: If anything- I suspect more people will order the Monochrom now that the announcements are done.

    I concur.


  • #2949
    Bob Moore

    PebblePlace;3105 wrote: If the S came with a new sensor delivering either CMOS or more pixels, the upgrade would be more compelling. But I'm happy with 37.5 MP, so an improved camera works for me. The $21,950 price is nice to see, but the used S2 market is soft. I'm hoping Leica offers a trade-in program.

    Think the used market just firmed up a bit…no compelling reason to drop the existing
    camera. 100 percent zoom should be a FW update, as could the ISO stops.



  • #2858
    Bob Moore

    Bob Moore;2987 wrote:
    Mirror Up and 2 Second Delay…..

    With Auto in EB one gets a 2 second delay with the first exposure and then two rapid exposure without Mirror Up….

    Non auto allows one to get all three with the delay….


    I should have written Auto in EB gets first exposure with the mirror up/2 second delay while the two subsequent exposures are without the mirror up/2 second delay…just rapid mirror up exposure….

    Non auto allows one to manually trigger all three bracketed exposures with a mirror up/2 second delay for each.


  • #2016
    Bob Moore


    Very nicely done…hope you did not wade into the water for the shot.

    Processing looks good to me…would love to see a desaturated color version of this.


  • #1849
    Bob Moore


    Nice to see you here…loved your 3800 thread and the recent Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Park images.


  • #1705
    Bob Moore

    Yes I pulled it too far…flag could remain and context aware fill would easily add sky.


  • #1694
    Bob Moore

    A little fill light for the wreathes and perspective correction for the convergence would make it ideal….

    Nice capture.



    Attached files

  • #1605
    Bob Moore


    Are you using the Lee system for the 4″ filters?



  • #1235
    Bob Moore

    Emailed Leica NJ today and a loaner should be here Monday so I can have my S2-P updated.

    Could not see the OLED at 700AM here in the shade.


Viewing 12 posts - 16 through 27 (of 27 total)