anqilan456 started the topic At the lower end of the spectrum fut 23 in the forum Images to Share 2 years, 4 months ago
Even better, Nations to Watch players don't need to be picked for the national team to receive the upgrade . This means that should Gabriel Jesus somehow doesn't make the Brazilian squad and his countrymen win the win in Qatar, the Arsenal player will still be eligible for an additional +1.
Finally, it is worth mentioning there is a limitation…[Read more]
anqilan456 started the topic Michael Sam's historic entrance into Madden NFL 23 in the forum Announcements and Site Matters 2 years, 4 months ago
Michael Sam's historic entrance into Madden NFL 23 will be given the documentary treatment with the help of the Oprah Winfrey Network. Cameras will follow the young defensive lineman off the field while attempts to make an appearance on the St . Louis Rams' final roster through offseason practices during training camp. One place where cameras…[Read more]
anqilan456 started the topic NBA 2K23 is to customize the shot to meet your requirements in the forum General Leica Discussion 2 years, 4 months ago
Today, we're just focusing on Jumpshots. Jumpshots in NBA 2K23. Jumpshots are when players jump up in the air and takes shots while suspended in mid-air. This not only allows players to launch the ball at a lower trajectory, but it also allows them to avoid blocking by getting more height from the shot. This is the reason why the jump shot is a…[Read more]