Aforns commented on the post, Leica M10 Review: The Quintessential Digital M 8 years, 1 month ago
In reply to: David Farkas wrote a new post, Leica M10 Review: The Quintessential Digital M The Leica M10 might be the most ‘analog’ digital M yet. And perhaps the most faithful to the M lineage. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed Leica’s journey into digital photography over […]View
Excellent review David, all pertinent and to the point !!! Much appreciated.
Have been able to shoot the M-10 enough to agree with all the information written, it is one sweet camera, hope to be getting a spare once there are readily available !!! Thanks
Aforns started the topic Trying out the S (007) in the forum Images to Share 8 years, 8 months ago
First day with the S and liking it in a big way. Testing noise at 3200 and there was close to none. My model is Sebastian Henri, our twenty five pound Main Coon …. loves to pose !!
Aforns replied to the topic Test shot with Leica M in the forum Leica M 11 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for the posted images !!! Just waiting for my M !!!