Discussion Forum Leica S System Workflow and Processing When will Wi-Fi tethering be available?
  • #557
    Jack MacD

    As I recall in the initial announcement of the S2, there is a plan for a WI-Fi transmitter attachment. Is that still in the plan?

  • #3700

    I don’t know the direct answer to your question but have you tried using the “Eye-Fi” Pro X2 SDHC card? I’m putting the 16Gb through some tests currently and so far it seems to live up to specs:-

    1. Provides WiFi connection to your PC/MAC so that shots are immediately uploaded (you can stipulate to where). Granted your still need to import to LR4 or whatever.

    2. Includes Geo-tagging information in the EXIF, this is a great feature.

    One note on the geo-tagging however, you must be in range of “some” wifi router, you don’t need to be able to login, just see the SSID. It will use the routers IP/Mac addresses to determine where you are and geo-tag your image accordingly. So this works great in populated areas but obviously useless if you are out in the wild beyond.

  • #34527

    Howdy! One of Comcast’s key contributions lies in its efforts to expand and improve Internet connectivity. The company has invested heavily in its network infrastructure, providing its customers with faster and more reliable internet speeds. Most often, problems do not arise when using the company’s services, but if this happens, you can call the comcast customer service number inform the company representative about it, and a team of technicians will go to fix it.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by  Ftenconola.

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