Discussion Forum Leica S System S2 Split image/microprism screen for S2 — anyone use it?
  • #543
    Stuart Richardson

    Is it even available? One place is selling it, listing it for 440 dollars. B&H is saying they are 7-14 days at 399. I am laughing through tears at that price! (the screens for the H system at 125-150 dollars). Of course, this is the S system though…I wish that, even though the camera and lenses are colossally expensive, they would price the more basic accessories more down to Earth. For example, Samy’s in LA is selling R9 screens for 115 bucks. I know this is old stock, but I think they were not that much more than that when they were new. It is basically the exact same thing as the S2 screen, only a bit smaller. Why should the new one cost 4 times as much? Just because by buying the camera you show that you have the money, does not mean that they should make you pay more just because they can! Or maybe that is the foundation of all economics. Either way, it’s not cool in this case.

    Anyway, I really prefer using split image/microprism screens in SLR’s, so I was wondering if people had any advice or experience on it. I will be getting an S2 in the next few months, and while I am sure I will use AF, I also want the ability to quickly verify the accuracy of it, and the split image seems to be a great way to do that. I also hope to use my Hasselblad V lenses on it, so it would be nice to have a split image there as well. How does it work in practice? Anyone get one yet?

  • #544
    Josh Lehrer


    The split image focusing screen has been announced by Leica but has not yet started shipping. David and I had the chance to preview this focusing screen at Photo Plus Expo in New York last Fall, and needless to say it is very impressive. The focusing area is incredibly bright and will be especially useful for using non-Leica, manual focus only lenses on the S2. We have spoken with many individuals who are interested in this accessory, so you can be sure that when it begins to ship, we will update Red Dot Forum with the news.

    In the mean time, David’s Photokina show report from earlier this year has a few pictures of the split image screen (scroll down a bit in the article to check them out):


  • #545
    David Farkas


    Welcome to Red Dot Forum.

    As Josh said, we’ve used the Microprism screen and it is very nice and bright. Unfortunately, Leica hasn’t started shipping the screen and hasn’t given a specific delivery date yet. Here are some images from Photokina of the screen and looking through the viewfinder:

    [COLOR=#333333][FONT=Trebuchet MS]


  • #546
    Stuart Richardson

    Thank you both! Glad to hear that it is still in the works and that it is nice to use. I look forward to hearing some user impressions once it gets into people’s hands.

  • #547
    Mark Gowin

    Stuart, there are a lot of S2 owners anxiously awaiting arrival of the split prism focus screen. I expect that it will beneficial even when using autofocus lenses to help confirm the precise area of focus is where you want it. For example, when shooting flowers or something else at near minimum focus distance, I often make manual adjustments to the focus point even when using S autofocus lenses.

  • #833
    Nick Rains

    I have the new split prism screen in my S2 and love it. Not sure when it’s going to be available but it should be real soon now…three weeks ago I was told it would be announced ‘in a few weeks’!


  • #848
    Mark Gowin

    Lucky you – well, luck probably had nothing to do with it.:) Anyway, I look forward to getting the split image screen myself.

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