• #25047
    Jack MacD

    This was shot with my M10M using a demo 90mm Macro Elmar.
    Sun was coming through the clouds hitting some structures but not others. The skyline is St. Louis. The Arch is visible, but not lit by the sun.

    f8 at 1/1500. ISO auto which turned out to be 160. Underexposed compensation set by .7. Cropped slightly, no filter. I usually have auto speed set too, but using the 90mm, and knowing this might be a good large print, I add extra speed since it was hand held.
    Processed in LR and SilverEfxPro2.

    I was testing this 90 versus the S120mm on my S 007. (equivalent is 120×0.8=96mm) The M10M compares favorably to a B&W conversion of the S.
    The best combo for me at the moment is M10M for B&W, S 007 for color.

  • #25055
    David Farkas

    Nice stuff, Jack.

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