• #2158
    Jack MacD

    I downloaded a free beta of CS6 to check it out today.
    I also visited lynda.com for it’s currently free videos of how to use the new features.

    The tool that caught my attention was “Correcting wide-angle panoramas” about 14 videos down.

    When I do panoramas now, I rarely allow “auto” and just click “cylindrical “
    That keeps things from getting way out of proportion, but it does bend what should be straight lines. The adaptive wide angle filter allows those curves to be magically straightened, with an auto horizontal or vertical feature too. I won’t need this too often on landscapes, but architecture is a common challenge for a photo-merge panorama.

    Until a 16mm S lens or a tilt shift S is developed, this will be my work around. One does need a sense of perspective, to straighten the appropriate edges with the tools “auto-horizontal” and “auto vertical” but to watch the video is to see how amazing it is.

    The attached test photo was with a 16mm M but the technique apples to any camera. Note that in the past, the curvature of the edges forced me to crop tighter than I might have wanted to. With the corrective, I don’t lose as much of the image to cropping.

    Now that I know how to do this, I will be willing to photograph some objects that I haven’t even tried in the past. I will post those later.


    Attached files

  • #2159
    Mark Gowin

    Your example is impressive in illustrating the benefit of this new feature. Thank you for showing us Jack.

  • #2293
    Jack MacD

    I promised to post some more examples of “correct wide angle” filter in CS6

    Usually when I merge I use “cylindrical” merge rather than “perspective”, because as this example shows, the perspective merge is usually lopsided. If anyone knows how to avoid for that, please let me know.

    In my search for a 14mm S lens, this is my work around.
    First, shoot with a 16mm on a M and then merge three images. (I guess I could do this with five 35mm S shots) Net resolution will be more than what an S would provide. My technique is constrained by using a 13″ mac book air on the road. When back to a large monitor, I will be able to more quickly and easily straighten all lines. But the right S lens would save me a lot of post production. Perhaps that is being announced May 10?

    Attached files

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