Discussion Forum Leica S System Images to Share Night Shot In Rain From Above
  • #13196
    Jack MacD

    007 ISO 6400 hand held merge at 1/45 sec. of three 30mm 30-90 zoom shots.

  • #13244
    Jack MacD

    Same view in morning fog 007 zoom

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  • #13246
    Jack MacD

    try again on the file

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  • #13253
    Jack MacD

    Turns out I was sending too big a file, let’s see if this works?

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  • #13272
    Jack MacD

    trying even smaller

  • #13473

    Funny how difficult it is to get some images posted. Your last three are a pretty good variety, hope you add some more.

  • #13477
    Jack MacD

    The issue turned out to be file size.
    If this one goes up, we know 1.5 m can work.
    If it doesn’t, then I go to a mere .5m

    Used to be David allowed huge files, up to 20M. I think when he revised the forum, that changed.

  • #13479

    That looks good – it has enough detail to give a good sense of the original.

  • #13480
    Jack MacD

    This shows the before and after LR to show how much in in the shadows of a 007 shot

  • #13482

    Definitely a lot of latitude there, to use a film term. Interesting that you moved the highlight slider and shadow slider to extreme opposite ends, and still have a decent result. It’s almost like the camera is saying “You can’t lose this one”. But I wonder – you should be able to shoot a bracketed exposure range and combine them for an HDR result of some kind?

  • #13486
    Jack MacD

    If a camera does not have enough “latitude” or Dynamic range, the solution as you suggested would be HDR via combining two or more images. I used to do that and it required a tripod usually, no motion in the subject like the moving cars, and I still didn’t like the result very often. Probably my fault.

    With enough dynamic range as with the 007, I can use the shadow and highlight sliders at 100% left and right to achieve what I want anyway. David Farkas mentioned he does that too. Perhaps he or others can give a reply that could explain why. For me, it just works, and I am glad that it does.

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