Discussion Forum Leica M System M Lenses Leica 28mm Summilux-ASPH at Photokina 2014?
  • #4896

    Given that the 28mm Summilux-M ASPH was included as part of the special addition set earlier this year, it seems an obvious lens to be released at Photokina 2014. Now I know Leica Rumors is just that – a rumor site and their accuracy is dubious. But why would they put the 28 Lux as a “low probability”? Their post is here.

  • #4898
    David Farkas

    I agree that this seems an obvious product introduction at Photokina, since it was already released as part of the 100 Edition M set in May.

  • #4900

    Hi David – Have you had a chance to try to the 28 Lux?

  • #7982

    Oh No! This is the one item I really wanted from Photokina.

  • #8179
    David Farkas


    Have no fear. According to both Jesko and Peter Karbe, the 28 Lux is coming. They just need to build tooling. I’d expect to see this lens in the coming months.

  • #10207

    I am anxiously awaiting the release of the 28 Summilux – I have shot with a 28/2 ASPH for 10+ years and look forward to seeing this new wonder lens.

    The 28/2 currently sells for $4300 USD so I am expecting the 28/1.4 to sell for probably $6500 USD. 🙁

    Does anyone know what the thread (filter) size on the 28 Summilux is? I have looked at several online articles about the lens and cannot find that information…

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