Discussion Forum Buy and Sell Marketplace Gear For Sale Hasselblad 35-90 and 100/2.2 and H to S adaptor
  • #4024

    Going to sell Hasselblad HCD 35-90, HC 100/2.2, and Leica H to S adaptor…..all in as new condition, with all the boxes, papers, pouches, caps……these are both FP and CS lenses….can send pictures of the lenses, and pictures taken by these lenses on the S2…now have S 120 CS and S 30-90, so the Hasselblad are redundant…..

    These are great lenses…..will probably have sellers remorse, especially 100/2.2

    If interested, email direct at: rvfarm.sover.net


  • #4025

    Correction….correct email: [email]rvfarm@sover.net[/email]

    Or respond on this forum.


  • #4165

    Hi John
    Do you still have the adapter and if so how much for it.
    Thanks Martin

  • #4404

    Is this still available if so can i know the price of it?

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