Discussion Forum Leica S System S2 Forbes on the business plan for the S
  • #3847
    Jack MacD

  • #3854

    Hi Jack, I saw the link to the article on several fora and blogs today, it seems to attract a lot of attention, though I don’t think Mr. Schulz said anything really new in this interview.

    As for the numbers, I have a feeling that more than 1200 S bodies are being sold annually, but that’s just guessing on my part. Anyway, nice publicity for the S.



  • #4468

    I finished a project a few weeks ago shooting iconic Washington venues from a helicopter. I used the Leica S2 with a 120MM and a gyro stabilizer for all of the daytime shots. I had to use a Canon 1Dx with the higher clean ISO for the evening photos. You can see the collection at my web site- use this link to get to the Above Washington gallery –

  • #4561

    katelara;5945 wrote: I finished a project a few weeks ago shooting iconic Washington venues from a helicopter. I used the Leica S2 with a 120MM and a gyro stabilizer for all of the daytime shots. I had to use a Canon 1Dx with the higher clean ISO for the evening photos. You can see the collection at my web site- use this link to get to the Above Washington gallery –

    How did this posting I wrote end up here in this re: Forbes? Here is the link to the aerial images: http://dweckphoto.photoshelter.com/#!/index/C0000QP9IIMnKiUA/G0000shSglNqy0WM/1

    Aboud Dweck

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