• #38234

    It seems to me that each of us when listening to adults every time thinks about their conversation, they use really incomprehensible words. Help me understand it.

  • #38235

    Sometimes the words that adults use can really seem incomprehensible especially when I was faced with such a situation, it helped me to read more information on the website , also there you can find explanations of many expressions that are often used in colloquial speech and the resource can help you to better understand adult conversations and feel more confident in communication.

  • #38820

    I understand how you feel! Sometimes adults use complex or unfamiliar words Retro Bowl Unblocked but don’t worry—asking questions and looking up words you don’t know can help. Over time, those words will start to make more sense, and you’ll be able to follow conversations more easily.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by  Ariel19.

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