Discussion Forum Leica S System Images to Share Death valley and mono lake california
  • #1557

    I have just completed my first shoot using the S2. I was impressed by its dynamic range, essentially negating the need for HDR ! The tonal range was also impressive, especially capturing some unbelievable “after glow” following sunset. David has encouraged me
    to share some images, so I have provided a link below. I must say that the jpgs do
    an injustice to the 20×30 inch prints I have made from these images. (Including some
    surprises such as the person walking far in the distance on the salt flats– I couldn’t
    even see him with my eyes!)

    The images are under the “new” menu selection at my website:

    Thanks and I hope you enjoy the images.

  • #1562

    amazing photos! I especially like Sand Dunes #2, well done in BW

  • #1563
    Pete Walentin

    Really nice. Love especially the sunset ones where you see the huge DR.

  • #1569
    David K

    Beautiful images…look forward to seeing more in the future.

  • #1571
    David Farkas

    Very nice Craig!! Great work.

  • #1580

    Bravo! Some of the best landscape S2 shots I have seen, and some of the best from Death Valley and Mono lake in quite a while. Keep them coming!

  • #1640

    Your first image of the suite is one of the most compelling demonstrations of the Mandelbrot equation that I could imagine. Literally nothing more be said…

    please see; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set for expansion on the technicals

    fractals rule!

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