Discussion Forum Leica S System Alternative Lenses Contax 645 lenses with Leica S2
  • #1850

    I am in the process of evaluating an S2 as likely near term purchase. One major concern that I have with this system is the absence of an existing long lens at this point and what I presume will be a very long wait for the anticipated APO-Tele-Elmar-S 350mm f/3.5. I know of an active effort to create an adapter for Contax 645 lenses for use with the S2 which is tauted to offer full metering and auto focus compatibility. I have a substantial experience with the Contax system and have owned the 350 APO Tessar and been extreme;y pleased with it in the film mile. My question is wether those with experience with “alternative” lenses on the S2 would advise such an endeavor given the properties of digital sensors and such.
    I do understand that in essence, I am asking for a speculative opinion, but would appreciate any thoughts on this subject with specific regard to Contax 645 lenses.
    Perhaps an alternative approach might be to find one of the Mamiya 500 f/ 4.5 APO lenses that were produced for the M 645 system.
    Many thanks in advance.

  • #1852
    Doug Herr

  • #1951

    I am also very much interested in using the Contax 645 lenses on the S2 and wondering why no adapter exists (is it physically not possible to make one or are marketing reasons at play?). I’d love to use the 120 Apo Makro in particular – I had great results with it on the Contax 645 body with a Sinar eMotion 75LV digiback.

  • #1954
    David Farkas

    albireo_double;1804 wrote: I am also very much interested in using the Contax 645 lenses on the S2 and wondering why no adapter exists (is it physically not possible to make one or are marketing reasons at play?). I’d love to use the 120 Apo Makro in particular – I had great results with it on the Contax 645 body with a Sinar eMotion 75LV digiback.

    The Contax 645 lenses use an electronically controlled aperture with no manual ring on the lens, whereas other lenses like Hasselblad V and Pentax 67 have mechanical aperture rings. If you had a simple adapter (no electronics), you wouldn’t be able to control the aperture setting when used on an S2. I’ve had some discussions with a company attempting to make a C645-S2 adapter by trying to send control signals to the lens.

  • #1956

    David Farkas;1807 wrote: The Contax 645 lenses use an electronically controlled aperture with no manual ring on the lens, whereas other lenses like Hasselblad V and Pentax 67 have mechanical aperture rings. If you had a simple adapter (no electronics), you wouldn’t be able to control the aperture setting when used on an S2. I’ve had some discussions with a company attempting to make a C645-S2 adapter by trying to send control signals to the lens.

    Presumably, this would then allow focus & metering at open aperture / automatic stop-down? If so, and if priced no higher than the already silly-priced Leica adapters, I’d buy one in a heartbeat and then move quickly to buy the Zeiss 55mm & 120mm before their price doubles…

  • #2405

    David, now that Leica has introduced the S2 lens adapter for Hasselblad H lenses, is there any closer probability of a similar, fully integrated, adapter for Contax 645 lenses, either from Leica or the company that you have had discussions with?

  • #2627

    I am also very much interested in using the Contax 645 lenses on the S2 and wondering why no adapter exists (is it physically not possible to make one or are marketing reasons at play?). I’d love to use the 120 Apo Makro in particular – I had great results with it on the Contax 645 body with a Sinar eMotion 75LV digiback.


    Sacs Longchamp

  • #2795

    There seems to be a growing interest in a fully functional C645 to S adapter. This may be due to the aging Contax camera bodies and steadfast adherence to many of the Zeiss CZ optics that provide a wonderful character.

    The ability to use the C645 lenses on a S2 would bring an all new ergonomic experience to the Contax owner, similar to use of Hasselblad 645 optics.

    However, I would hazard a guess that Leica will not make such an adapter because the Contax is a totally discontinued system and doesn’t represent an ongoing opportunity in the manner that the broadly used Hasselblad H system does, including pro rental availability. With a S2 and H to S adapter, I can secure H lenses in most any major location should I not want to carry all the S lenses, or should a S lens go down on me.

    For the current Hasselblad user like me, the H to S adapter offers more added value because it fills in missing S focal lengths and unlike the C645 optics, all HC and HCD lenses can be used in both Leaf shutter mode to 1/750th and focal plane mode to 1/4000th which is not available on any H camera to date (Photokina may dramatically change that if rumors of a new Hasselblad camera prove to be true, which is highly likely).

    Of course if demand for such an adapter is great enough with cash to back it up, such a third party adapter may be possible … if the math is right.

    Interesting side note … the rear lens cap for the Hasselblad H is almost an exact fit for S lenses and I have to take care to not accidentally swap them out because it isn’t quite exact and can get a bit locked on : -)


  • #3244

    I really wish there will be an adaptor for Contax 645 to S. I just sold my Contax 645 again (twice in 3 years…too heavy and bulky to me..), but I love the 80/2 a lot. The dim focusing screen was hard to use manual lenses, I almost bought a DB for it, but after tried my friend’s Leaf Aptus 75 on it, I gave it up, the battery was also an main issue. I did bring out the camera for some outdoor shots after around 70 shots in studio, then it was dead after 3 shots…Luckily I had a Leica MM with me. 😡

    Now I’m very happy with the S2, but I kind of miss the 80/2. Wish this will be happened so soon!

  • #4713

    The second image is sharper, just compare the yellow road sign above the bridge in both samples. You can also see this difference if you look at the green vegetation on the top of the building on the left.

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