Discussion Forum Leica S System Alternative Lenses Anyone tested the Habla Zeiss 40/4?
  • #1515


    Actually I have just two lenses for the S2, the 70 and the 180, and will order the 120 with CS. Maybe one day I might add the 35 as well.

    Till then, I want to add some Zeiss-glas for filling the gap. As I have allready a Hartblei 40/4 TS, I think this lens could also fit well the S2 via the Hasselblad adapter (I mean the Hasselblad euquivalent of this Zeiss-Lens). But as I don’t know nothing about Hasselblad, I ask for advise. There are different versions of this lens, a more modern one and an older one with a kind of concentric form. Are there mechanical and optical differences? What do you suggest? Is 4.0 not to dark to fokus correctly? Is this lens good wide open?

    Thank you for your input


  • #2612


  • #2765

    I think the lens you may be looking for is the Zeiss CFE 40/4 IF.

    It is the last optical/mechanical update of the Zeiss 40mm lens for the Hasselblad V mount cameras, and is much improved over the previous CFi 40/4 FLE. There was also a CF 40/4.

    I’ve owned all three lenses, and last used them on a H3D and H3D-II Hasselblad digital cameras via a CF Adapter … the only Zeiss 40mm that was truly up to more demanding digital capture was the IF version, the others were soft in the corners ….including on a H3D-II/31 with a sensor similar in size to the S2s.

    In each case the “F” designation in the name (CF, CFi, CFE,) indicates Focal Plane use, and is a setting that disengages the built-in leaf shutter so the lenses could also be used on the Hasselblad V mount Focal Plane cameras such as the 203FE

    To get an idea of how the f/4 maximum aperture will look through the S2 viewfinder for manual focusing, just set your S-70mm to f/4, and use the stop down button to preview. Keep in mind that wider angle lenses are harder to focus accurately than the 70mm.

    Any of the CF, CFi or CFE Zeiss lenses have to be stop down metered and shot because there is no communication connection between the camera and lens … the V to S mount adapter is the “dumb” kind.

    Personally, I’d just get a S-35mm which is a faster maximum aperture, is optimized for use on the S2, and is auto-focus.


  • #2806

    Personally, I’d just get a S-35mm which is a faster maximum aperture, is optimized for use on the S2, and is auto-focus.

    this is what I did, but thank you anyway for the input!

  • #4211

    :rolleyes: This post is so great and nice :p

    It is the last optical/mechanical update of the Zeiss 40mm lens for the Hasselblad V mount cameras, and is much improved over the previous CFi 40/4 FLE. There was also a CF 40/4.

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