Discussion Forum Leica M System Images to Share Amature Fashion Style Photography w/ M9 35 F2 Cron 50 Nocti F/0.95
  • #3463

    Noctilux wide open, night portrait

    Just a few sample pictures of my style of fashion photography.

  • #3519


  • #3533
    Jack MacD

    Glad to see we have some more fashion photographers posting

  • #3570

    It’s snowing in Paris……

    This group is all London and Paris. I have more, stay tuned.

  • #3571

    The B&W’s are with the Monochrom.

  • #3572

  • #3573

    Attached files

  • #3594

    Just outside of Paris in Montmartre

  • #3597
    Josh Lehrer

    Looks like you had a productive trip! Nice stuff.

  • #3601

    yes, last ones are really great!

  • #3608

    Thank you very much Stephan. I did a little more post on some of them and they are up on my flickr page.

  • #3623

    The out of focus area on the noctilux is like opening a bottle of fine wine. It transitions smoothly and does not distract from the image. I can’t stand lenses that are a swirly mess.

  • #3641

    Studio work with my M9 and Noctilux. This lens looks great at any aperture, including F8!

  • #3793

  • #4701

    This is beautiful pics about fashion. I like the blue dress- the last one. It transitions smoothly and does not distract from the image. I can’t stand lenses that are a swirly mess.

  • #28654

    Fashion for adults should be tolerant in my opinion. It is very strange that in modern society there are clothing stores in which there are many different clothes, but there are no Abayas. I think it’s very wrong that I have to buy such clothes on the Internet, and not in a fashionable clothing store.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  ErvinSmith.
  • #28689

    I will not torment you with a long reading, because I will give advice that should help you. On this site LuxeLuminous.com, which was recommended by a friend of mine when I was having problems with my body, I found a bunch of articles on how to take care of my skin and hair, so just pass on the link and look at the articles. I am sure that this will help you look more beautiful

  • #29976


  • #39812

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    • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by  Johnydeep.

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