• #4416

    Has anyone owned or shot with both and compared images side by side?
    Currently I have the 70 and 120 CS to go with my S. Considering one or the other lenses listed in the title as my next lens for Commercial/Fashion.
    When reading the description on Dale’s and Leica AG’s site, it seems like you get a lot more glass in the 45 yet price points are fairly close.
    Is minimum focusing distance the same?
    Thanks in advance.

  • #4419

    WPalank;5828 wrote: Has anyone owned or shot with both and compared images side by side?
    Currently I have the 70 and 120 CS to go with my S. Considering one or the other lenses listed in the title as my next lens for Commercial/Fashion.
    When reading the description on Dale’s and Leica AG’s site, it seems like you get a lot more glass in the 45 yet price points are fairly close.
    Is minimum focusing distance the same?
    Thanks in advance.

    I have both of these,the 35mm is lighter and MFD is 55cm,the MFD on the 45 is 60cm,the 45 has 12 elements and the 35 has 11 which explains the weight difference…

  • #4426

    Thank you RVP.

    If stepping out and you could only carry one lens (may we put weight as a non-issue for the moment?), is there one you prefer over the other, lets say for portraiture?

    It seems the 35 may have the “potential” for a little more distortion at the edges being the wider of the two. (??) Would love for you to comment.

    Thanks for discussing the number of elements. Given the way the Leica PR people go on and on about the glass for the 45, with almost no mention of the glass on the 35, I was imagining there to be a significant difference in the number of elements, especially a difference of only 1. Thanks for clarifying.

  • #4428
    Mark Gowin

    I only have the 35mm and have not tested the 45mm, but there is no issue with distortion with the 35mm. I suspect it will boil down to whether you would prefer an effective focal length of 28mm or 35mm.

    I would give David, Josh, Peter or Kirsten (sp?) a call at Dale or Leica Store Miami and I bet they would send you both lenses to try (if they have them) and then you keep the one you prefer. Or, better yet, hop on a plane to sunny warm south Florida and demo the lenses there.

    My experience has shown that they want you to be happy with your purchase and are very flexible in helping you figure out what works for you.


  • #4431

    WPalank;5859 wrote: Thank you RVP.

    If stepping out and you could only carry one lens (may we put weight as a non-issue for the moment?), is there one you prefer over the other, lets say for portraiture?

    It seems the 35 may have the “potential” for a little more distortion at the edges being the wider of the two. (??) Would love for you to comment.

    Thanks for discussing the number of elements. Given the way the Leica PR people go on and on about the glass for the 45, with almost no mention of the glass on the 35, I was imagining there to be a significant difference in the number of elements, especially a difference of only 1. Thanks for clarifying.

    Personally I like the cinematic look of the 35 FOV(28mm in 35mmformat)… I like wide angle portraits outdoors.. with studio light’s I would prefer the longer glass,the 120 or 180..

    The 35 is more suited to outdoors and walking around by virtue of it’s lower weight,this is for me always a consideration…

    I am not home at the moment and won’t be for couple of weeks but I will post a couple of raw’s when I have a chance,I don’t think the distortion of the 35mm is bad,it’s actually very well controlled,I even use he S30mm a lot for environmental portraits.. here is one of my son.. I like this shot a lot except for the stupid sign tied too the fence.. LoL

  • #4433

    Thank you mark and RVB. Excellent. Wonderful image.
    No worries about Raw images, I was going more for your gut or visceral reaction. You gave it to me. 😀

  • #4440

    UPDATE: Got a chance to meet with the Leica S Specialist Ben Ross (great guy!) today who was giving a Demo at Samy’s with my good friend and local Leica Rep Tom Brichta.
    I showed up early and got to pick his brain for about 30 min.
    Luckily, he had both the 35 and 45 CS with him which I was able to mount on my S and take for a test drive.
    My sweet spot has always been 50mm and I found (very subjective) that the 35 was just a bit too wide for me. Yes, as others have confirmed the 45 is slightly heavier and bigger.
    The good news is that Tom found a 45 CS Demo that will be delivered to a local dealer (at discount) in the next couple of days.
    So the decision has been made and thank you all for your invaluable help. I hope this thread may help others trying to make the same decision in the future. Cheers!

    For anyone in the San Francisco Area that has any S questions or just interested in picking their minds, Ben and Tom will be at Samy’s tomorrow Dec. 12 as well. Ben has quite a few CS lenses with him.

  • #4441

    WPalank;5873 wrote: UPDATE: …
    The good news is that Tom found a 45 CS Demo that will be delivered to a local dealer (at discount) in the next couple of days.
    So the decision has been made and thank you all for your invaluable help. I hope this thread may help others trying to make the same decision in the future. Cheers!….

    Good luck with the new lens, and I hope it will suit you well. I bought the 35 last year… found a nice used one at Dale… I’m pretty happy with it. But then I find it easy to adapt myself to different angles of view. Plus I have used the 45 and 55mm Pentax67 lenses, both f/4 so somewhat smaller and lighter, but manual focus and aperture of course.

    So I’ve been interested to hear in this thread what others feel about the uses and preferences of the different angles of view of the wide Summarits on the S/S2. Before the 45S, I had thought a 50mm would be nice… an effective 40mm could be very useful.

  • #4510

    Doug;5876 wrote: Good luck with the new lens, and I hope it will suit you well. I bought the 35 last year… found a nice used one at Dale… I’m pretty happy with it. But then I find it easy to adapt myself to different angles of view. Plus I have used the 45 and 55mm Pentax67 lenses, both f/4 so somewhat smaller and lighter, but manual focus and aperture of course.

    So I’ve been interested to hear in this thread what others feel about the uses and preferences of the different angles of view of the wide Summarits on the S/S2. Before the 45S, I had thought a 50mm would be nice… an effective 40mm could be very useful.

    I am also interested. what surprizes me is that the wider lens (35) is lighter, hass less elements and a closer focusing distance. Normally I would expect it the othr way around.
    I have the 35 but thinking to replace it with the 45, because I find 70 indoors to long sometimes and 35 slightly too wide.
    But then for outdoors 35-70 works pretty well as a 2 lens set.

    Any more imprssions from the 45 ? (I wish it was a bit smaller)

  • #4520

    Paratom;6000 wrote: I am also interested. what surprizes me is that the wider lens (35) is lighter, hass less elements and a closer focusing distance. Normally I would expect it the othr way around.
    I have the 35 but thinking to replace it with the 45, because I find 70 indoors to long sometimes and 35 slightly too wide.
    But then for outdoors 35-70 works pretty well as a 2 lens set.

    Any more imprssions from the 45 ? (I wish it was a bit smaller)

    I will post a few shots from the 45mm in a few days,I can compare it to the 35mm and 30mm,what I can say is that its superb,I just shot into a bright back lit scene (midday sun)and it handled the contrast exceptionally well..


  • #4521

    A quick shot from the S45mm at f5.6… nothing to get excited about but gives some indication of the performance…

    When I get a chance I’ll get dome decent shots…

    Attached files

  • #4522

    RVB;6021 wrote: A quick shot from the S45mm at f5.6… nothing to get excited about but gives some indication of the performance…

    When I get a chance I’ll get dome decent shots…

    looks very good flare resistance. Thanks-please keep them coming.

  • #4525

    S45mm early this morning…at f8,32sec and iso100…

    Attached files

  • #4526

    The colors look a bit strange in that last shot because it is in profotoRGB.. it would look better on a good monitor and color space aware browser like safari.

  • #4529

    I only have the 35 & 70, plus a clutch of Hasselblad lenses. Never used the 45mm.

    I have tested my two S lenses against each other and found that my 35mm has far greater resolution compared to my 70mm. Not saying this will be true for everybody. What I am saying is that the 35mm is a very fine lens indeed.

    If the 45mm is as good as the 35mm can be, it’ll be excellent. It might be worth testing.

  • #4542


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