• #27961

    I’m looking into adding a second 35 to my lineup.
    I already have a pre-asph lux for the dreamy/magical look.

    When budget is no restriction, would the FLE or the APO be the best addition?

    I have the 50 APO, is the 35APO a good match (similar image rendering)?
    Or are the differences from f2 on in the real world so small, the FLE is like an APO with an additional stop of light?

    The 35APO talk video only compared the bokeh at full open for both, are those images available online to compare them at f2?

  • #30719

    I have the same question re: 35APO vs 35FLE I vs 35 FLE II.

    I, too, have the 50APO on my (silver) M11. I am looking for my first (silver) 35. And my image rendering desire is more technical.

    As of this date, the 35 FLE I is still available. I have not heard of any eta for the 35 FLE II. And I’m not sure if I will ever have an opportunity to buy the 35APO. There is a person on another on-line retail site providing a review that claims he received his 35APO after a 15 month wait.

    Any comments/real-world experience about the 35’s would be appreciated.

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