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For our second episode dedicated to M lenses, we're taking a look at telephoto Leica M lenses. From classic Elmars to modern Noctiluxes, we'll discuss all the available Leica M lens options longer than 50mm.

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0:00 – Introduction
1:10 – Talking about Telephoto M lenses
5:40 – How does the 75mm focal length compare to the 90mm focal length?
10:28 – How does the 75mm Noctilux compare to the 90mm Summilux?
17:01 – Which telephoto M lens has the highest reproduction ratio?
20:50 – What are the differences between the two 90mm macro lenses?
25:35 – What would I use the 135mm f/3.4 APO Tele for?
28:00 – The 90mm Thanbar
31:35 – What telephoto M lens will give you the best performance on the M10 Monochrom
35:40 – What did Leica change between the 75mm and 90mm Summarit f/2.5 and f/2.4 lenses?
51:00 – Have you used the 75mm or 90mm on the CL?
53:49 – How often is rangefinder calibration an issue with telephoto lenses?
1:00:00 – 75mm Summilux-M
1:07:04 – If you own the SL2 and the 24-90mm would you buy an M lens and would it render differently or would an SL be similar?
1:10:18 – Any tips for getting steady telephoto shots on an M?
1:14:36 – M10 Handgrip and Finger Loop
1:18:06 – Do all M cameras have 135mm framelines?
1:19:30 – Can the Thanbar look be duplicated in post?
1:21:30 – Vintage M telephoto
1:25:55 – Difference between the 75mm Summarit and 75mm APO-Summicron?
1:27:09 – Does the 35mm Summilux FLE render similar to the 75mm APO-Summicron?
1:28:45 – How critical is a lens hood with telephoto lenses?
1:31:50 – Why isn’t there a 135mm f/2.8?
1:35:02 – Does cropping a 50mm starts to overlap with a 75 or 90?
1:36:10 – How do I use the 1.25x and 1.4x magnifiers on the M10?
1:40:30 – How much has Leica improved their 90mm M lenses over time?
1:42:40 – Leica lens naming system
1:44:55 – Are telephoto lenses harder or easier to design?
1:47:22 – Some lenses are bases on other lenses. What does that mean?
1:50:20 – Are any R system lenses usable on an M?
1:53:12 – Personal favorite telephoto lenses?
1:54:00 – Is the 90 the only macro M lens and how is the subject isolation on the 90mm f/4?
1:55:19 – Macro M adapter
1:58:12 – Lens testing

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About The Author

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Kirsten is a Leica Specialist with Leica Store Miami. She's originally from Minnesota, but much prefers the sunshine and warmth of South Florida. Kirsten loves photography, which she studied at Rochester Institute of Technology, graphic design, her growing cat collection, traveling, movies with mythical creatures and, of course, coffee.

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