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For our tenth episode of Red Dot Forum Camera talk, we wanted to do something a little different. So, instead of focusing entirely on a single camera system like we've done over the past nine episodes, we're taking any and all questions. Ask us about Leica cameras and lenses, new and old, shooting and focusing techniques, or whatever you might be curious about that we can answer for you. Feel free to hit us up with questions beforehand, or ask us live. This should be fun!

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0:00 Intro
1:46 Which lens has better image quality: Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M or 50mm APO-Summicron-SL?
3:36 Will Leica continue to offer the M10 to M10-P upgrade program? What is the current pricing and turn-around time?
4:51 Best focusing techniques for SL2
10:48 Most effectively use of exposure compensation on the SL and M Monochrom Typ 246
14:15 How to use the focus crosshair on the M10
16:56 Is there a Thumbs Up that you can use simultaneously with the Visoflex on a M10?
18:55 What focus and exposure settings do you recommend for the SL2?
22:44 Can you talk more about the Elpro and Leica Q2 combination?
26:46 What is your top pick for a macro lens on the SL and SL2, since there is currently no native SL choice?
37:39 I currently own an SL2 with 24-90 lens as well as a Q2. I would like to round this out with two more lenses for the SL. SL or M prime?
40:16 I can’t carry heavy equipment. I have a Q2, which is great, but need a quality light weight solution for telephoto photos. What do you suggest?
42:53 Do Firmware updates need to be done in sequence?
43:46 On the Q and Q2, do the Digital Zoom Framelines appear in the EVF as they do on the LCD panel?
44:08 Has Leica customer service changed, or can repairs still take months?
46:23 Please discuss the use of profiles. Do you have just a couple for day and night, a longer set for different settings like beach/snow, sunsets, etc., or would one for each project be appropriate?
51:25 What are the differences / needs / considerations of lenses when shooting film vs. digital?
53:52 Why does Leica use fly-by-wire manual focusing for the SL lenses?
59:49 Does one R lens stand out as particularly legendary?
1:03:00 Did the R save the company?
1:03:25 Is it worth upgrading from the S007 to the new S3?
1:06:36 How do the 90mm lenses compare?
1:09:36 What are your thoughts on the Tri-Elmar 28-35-50mm f/4 ASPH?
1:12:21 What do you think of the ability of the SL2 to keep highlights vs the S3?
1:14:10 How well does the SF60 flash work on the M10 & SL2?
1:15:00 Q2 28mm vs M10 flexibility
1:17:52 Best SD card solution for the M9
1:18:12 Is there a way to create a profile for the Zeiss 15mm with the SL2
1:19:09 Which camera repairs are done in the US and which in Germany?
1:20:15 90 APO M vs 90 APO SL
1:21:19 Is touch-to-shoot still available on the CL?
1:22:38 How many 35-70mm 2.8 Vario-Elmarit-R ASPH lenses were actually produced?
1:25:00 What does the ROM contact add to R lenses?
1:26:00 When is a new product coming out?
1:31:20 What is the best way to do closeups with a wide 21mm M?
1:32:25 Is there a housing option for M cameras for underwater photography?
1:33:29 How does the Leica X113 stand up in 2020?
1:35:14 What are the chances that we see an M with a built-in EVF in the future?
1:41:16 Will there be a quiet shutter upgrade for the M10?
1:41:46 Is there a way of having the focal length of the SL 24-90 zoom on your display screen?
1:43:46 I have an M10 with a 50 and 75mm and Q2. Should I use the Q2 cropped or the M10?
1:45:14 If I have a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 and I want to go longer, would you recommend the 75mm Noctilux or the 90mm Summilux?
1:47:48 Which M lenses do not get the credit they deserve?
1:53:09 What is a good wide angle lens for M10M landscape shooting?
1:54:56 Compare the Noctilux f/1 to the newer f/0.95
1:57:00 With micro lenses on the sensor is a 50 really a 50?
1:58:45 One camera one lens for street photography
1:59:11 R lenses on the M10
2:00:10 Can you explain the hype over the M9 sensor?
2:04:00 The dream setup for Antarctica
2:05:22 Will the SL system get constant aperture zooms?
2:06:32 How does the 21 SEM compare to the 18 SEM and 24 Elmar?
2:06:53 How does the 50 Summarit compare to the 50 Cron?
2:08:08 How much and what is given up by using CL or TL2 instead of a full frame using the same focal length?
2:09:08 M10-P vs M10-M
2:10:58 How did you two get into Leica and what were you using before?

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About The Author

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Kirsten is a Leica Specialist with Leica Store Miami. She's originally from Minnesota, but much prefers the sunshine and warmth of South Florida. Kirsten loves photography, which she studied at Rochester Institute of Technology, graphic design, her growing cat collection, traveling, movies with mythical creatures and, of course, coffee.

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