Firmware Ver 1.2 for Leica TL2 Released

Today, Leica has released updated firmware for the Leica TL2. The new firmware adds support for the newly introduced Elmarit-TL 18mm f/2.8 ASPH pancake lens. You can read more about the new lens here:Leica ...

Firmware Ver for Leica M10 Released

After discovering a bug in their most recent M10 firmware release (, Leica has quickly issued another firmware update for the M10: firmware The new firmware has the same SD card compatibility improvements found in but fixes a bug that ...

Firmware Ver for Leica M10 Released

Today, Leica has released a firmware update for their newest digital rangefinder: the Leica M10. Firmware version is the second update since the camera's release in mid-January 2017 and improves the M10...

Leica SL Firmware 3.0 Released with Major Updates

Today, Leica has released a major new firmware update for the SL (Typ 601): Version 3.0. This firmware incorporates a considerable number of new features, enhancements, stability improvements and bug fixes. Before we dive into all the details, you can click th...

Firmware Ver for Leica M10 Released

Today, less than a month after release, Leica has issued a firmware update for the Leica M10.You can download the firmware here: Leica M10 Firmware aren't fixes for anything egregious. Rather,...

Leica SL (Typ 601) Firmware Version 2.2 Released

Today, Leica has released firmware version 2.2 for the SL (Typ 601) mirrorless full-frame digital camera. The new firmware offers stability and performance improvements along with compatibility for the latest tethered software plug-ins. The official list of im...

How To Update Firmware on the Leica S (Typ 007)

In our continuing effort to make firmware updates as simple and painless as possible, we've just published an instructional video for updating firmware on the Leica S (Typ 007). From downloading the latest firm...

Firmware Version for Leica S (Typ 007) Released

Leica just released new firmware for the S (Typ 007). This firmware fixes a bug that affected Live View photo and Video mode in version Download the latest firmware update in the Owner's Area of the Leica website: