Today, Leica Camera has announced a limited run Leica M Monocrhom (Ty 246) to pay homage to the 150 year anniversary of Ernst Leitz taking over management of the Optical Institute in Wetzlar, Germany. The new company, Ernst Leitz Wetzlar, would later become the Leica Camera that we know today.
The limited run of 150 cameras worldwide, shares all the same technical specifications of a stock M Monochrom, but features the classic Leitz script engraving on the top plate. Actually priced $400 less than the standard M Monochrom at $7,595, black chrome Leica M Monochrom “Leitz Wetzlar” is available tor order immediately.
If you're interested in picking one up, you can do so by placing a pre-order at Leica Store Miami by clicking the link below, calling 305-921-4433 or emailing

Press Release
Limited production honoring 150 years of “Ernst Leitz Wetzlar”
Ernst Leitz took over management of the “Optical Institue” in Wetzlar 150 years ago and renamed it “Ernst Leitz Wetzlar” in 1869. As a tribute to this anniversary, Leica Camera offers a limited production of Leica MMonochrom (Typ 246) cameras with the traditional “Leitz Wetzlar” engraving atop the camera. This production will be limited to 150 cameras worldwide.
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