• #820
    Kurt Kamka

    S2 and Mamiya 80/1.9 via adapter …

  • #821
    David Farkas

    Whoa! Brave volunteers. 😮

    I’d say you effectively captured the moment and the emotion (tension) extremely well.

  • #825
    David K

    Nice shot Kurt and I really like the b&W conversion too.

  • #827
    Jack MacD

    I saw your reach for it shot first and wondered where you were to shoot it. Perhaps this explains it as you were laying down on the job.

  • #830
    Kurt Kamka

    Thanks David and David.

    Jack, just sitting down on the job.

    This was over at the Harley Museum … they had this troupe of stunt riders called ‘Bikes over Baghdad’ perform on souped up kid’s bikes. They put on a series of tricks including jumps off of ramps. They travel overseas to entertain the troops with some high adrenaline stunts in war zones.

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