• #533
    David K

    Recently discovered that shooting flowers isn’t as easy as it looks. Took this one with the 120 macro 1/4 sec @f/8. Looked a little soft so I sharpened it up a bit…maybe a bit too much. Made me wonder what you guys are using for a sharpening technique.

    Attached files

  • #535
    Jack MacD

    For a shot with that much range of focus depth, I would reccommend focus stacking. Got to have zero wind on the flower, and a tripod
    helical makes great software to do it and you can get a free trial.


    You can do it in Photoshop as described here

    In the work I have previously submitted here, I had a different vision, and chose not to use focus stacking. But I have done so in the past and found Helicon to be amazingly fast and easy. After doing it in Photoshop, Helicon makes it look like magic.

    Over sharpening is not the answer as you admit. Macro with the S2 is terrific, but with less depth focus stacking is an answer.

    Hope this helps,

  • #552
    David K


    Thanks for the advice re:focus stacking. I’ve read about it but have yet to give it a try. Took a few shots with the 120 macro again today and find that the more I use this lens the better I like it. The second shot is a crop taken from a different photo than the first. I actually like the crop better but thought I’d post the shot of the flower for context.

    Attached files

  • #645

    David K;224 wrote: Recently discovered that shooting flowers isn’t as easy as it looks. Took this one with the 120 macro 1/4 sec @f/8. Looked a little soft so I sharpened it up a bit…maybe a bit too much. Made me wonder what you guys are using for a sharpening technique.

    Hey David

    I use Photokit Sharpener (Jeff Schewe, Mac Holbert et al are the developers) which gives lots of control over how you sharpen the image. Not expensive and I believe there is a trial version as well. Their
    company is called Pixel Genius.


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