• #4246
    Jack MacD

    OK, I got carried away with reflections. 16mm X 4

    Attached files

  • #4264

    The random symmetries in nature are interesting. The center 4 rectangles taken together look a lot like images of the background radiation of the universe. Probably not unrelated, as heat radiation drives both over different time scales.

  • #4275
    David K

    I like it Jack. We have a lot of clouds here in Florida and they often transform into formations that look like all kinds of things. I used to play a game with the kids when they were younger and we were all driving in the car. Anybody see the poodle…the elephant, etc. I see an alien face in your image..anybody else 🙂

  • #4438

    awesome cloud reflections..what lense did you use?

  • #4443
    Jack MacD

    I used my 24mm.
    I find that I am either shooting with the 24 or the 120.

  • #4444
    Jack MacD

    I forgot this was an M shot, so it was with the WATE set at 16mm.

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