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David Farkas and Josh Lehrer focus their discussion this week on the Leica Q and Q2. They'll be addressing questions live during the stream and offering up tips on how to get the most out of Leica's popular fixed lens full frame digital cameras.

0:00 Welcome to Red Dot Forum Camera Talk
2:30 Brief history on the Q System
8:40 What are the differences between the Q & Q2?
18:49 What about dynamic range and ISO?
23:00 What is the highest comfortable ISO to shoot at on the Q2?
24:43 What is the digital zoom function?
30:40 What focal length is an iPhone?
32:37 Why did Leica put frame lines on the digital zoom instead of showing the cropping what I see on the back of the camera?
34:00 Should I be afraid to try 75?
34:20 Is there a difference between using digital zoom and cropping in post?
35:03 If you shoot JPEG only does the file crop?
35:28 As an M shooter do you see the Q as a gateway, or less expensive camera? How does it compare to the M?
36:48 How does the WiFi capability with FOTOS app give street shooters an advantage?
38:25 The Q2 is a good companion to an M
40:00 A visual comparison of Q to M
44:09 With digital zoom does the meter read only in the cropped area?
45:59 If I already have an SL2 why should I get a Q?
47:34 Q2 shutter sound
48:00 Q shutter details
50:30 Weather sealing Q vs. Q2
52:23 Expand a little more on the difference between the Q & the CL
57:55 Visual comparison Q vs. CL
1:00:36 Long exposure & Astral Photography with the Q
1:04:40 How macro mode works on the Q
1:10:41 Versatility of the Q
1:14:19 What’s going on in the front (hood, cap, filter thread)
1:17:58 When is it useful, or not, to use the hood?
1:19:36 Lens cap options
1:23:23 Which accessories are compatible between Q and Q2?
1:30:40 Which flash do you recommend?
1:36:48 What is the macro ratio in macro mode?
1:38:00 Can you show us how to put one of Leica’s new screen protectors on?
1:45:39 Is the thumb support the same for Q and Q2 and which one do you recommend? Leica Thumb Support vs. Match Tech Thumbs Up
1:52:18 Can you talk about the build quality of the Q and Q-P?
1:53:46 Can you show the auto focus ring and go between auto focus and manual focus?
1:56:31 Does Enzo prefer to be photographed in macro or standard?

Leica Q Articles and Videos:

Leica Q2 Overview Video:

Leica Q2 Introduction and Overview:

Leica Q (Typ 116) Review: A Full-Frame Mini M:

Five Countries, One Camera: Travels with the Leica Q:

Photokina 2016 – The Future of the Leica Q:

Lightroom Presets:

Lightroom Presets for Leica Cameras:

David's Q (Typ 116) Lightroom Preset:

David's Q2 Lightroom Preset:

Where to buy:

New Q cameras:

Used Q cameras:

Sign Up for Leica Store Miami Email Newsletter:

About The Author

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Kirsten is a Leica Specialist with Leica Store Miami. She's originally from Minnesota, but much prefers the sunshine and warmth of South Florida. Kirsten loves photography, which she studied at Rochester Institute of Technology, graphic design, her growing cat collection, traveling, movies with mythical creatures and, of course, coffee.

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