Discussion Forum General Discussion General Leica Discussion Complete details about the UK Partner Visa and ILR Visa UK
  • #29013

    The UK Partner Visa is a kind of the visa type in which a person who is already living in the same place in the U.K. and they can also take their spouses as well as partners along with them on the boundaries of the U.K. and live there without any kind of the restrictions.

    Then the ILR Visa UK is a kind of the visa type in which any of the persons holding the same I.L.R. can live in the UK without any restrictions.

  • #33177

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  • #33191

    To qualify for the UK Partner visa or spouse visa , both parties must be at least 18 years old, have met and be legally married or have undergone a civil partnership registration. Applicants under the UK Partner visa or spouse visa route will also need to prove that their relationship is of a genuine and continuing nature and they should have every intention to live together. Applicants must show that there will be adequate accommodation for the parties and any dependants and able to maintain themselves and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds. To qualify, as an unmarried partner visa UK, both parties need to be living together, in a genuine relationship that is like a marriage or civil partnership (not like a ‘marriage of convenience’) for 2 years or more.

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