Discussion Forum Leica S System S2 Ugg! The dreaded thin red line : -(
  • #3814

    Murphy’s Law says … if it can go wrong, it’ll go wrong at the worse time.

    I just sold my stalwart Hasselblad system of almost 8 years to consolidate my pro kit with the S2P.

    Did some shots mid-week that were fine. Shot some product work today, and discovered a row of dead pixels almost centered in every shot. The dreaded thin red line.

    Same card, same reader, same everything. Did tests to confirm: it’s in the CF RAW and SD jpgs.

    If I recall, the S2P warranty is two years which lapsed last Nov. : -( Actually, that was the date of original purchase, that camera was replaced due to a cracked sensor, then the new camera had to have the shutter release fixed. But since then it has seemed okay, and reliable.

    Any suggestions to check before I go through the repair hassle … er, process?


  • #3815
    Jack MacD

    Very sorry to see your name attached to this post.

    I believe that the fix is not as difficult as one would think. You send it back, they do a software fix and it’s solved. Of course, that means sending it back.

    I know there was a program someone did for M8 files that allowed you to accomplish it yourself, but of course on each and every file after the fact. You want it before.

    Call the Leica Specialist in NJ. David or Josh probably have dealt with it too, but they are off on the Everglades trip.


  • #3816

    Sorry to hear this, Marc. Wasn’t there a thread here about the same issue? I think I recall someone mentioning that sending a file to Solms would suffice. Leica would map out the bad row and send you a firmware fix …

  • #3817

    Sorry to hear that Marc, I had a similar problem and Eric Chan helped me out. Please take a look to salvage the existing files.


    fotografz;4490 wrote: Murphy’s Law says … if it can go wrong, it’ll go wrong at the worse time.

    I just sold my stalwart Hasselblad system of almost 8 years to consolidate my pro kit with the S2P.

    Did some shots mid-week that were fine. Shot some product work today, and discovered a row of dead pixels almost centered in every shot. The dreaded thin red line.

    Same card, same reader, same everything. Did tests to confirm: it’s in the CF RAW and SD jpgs.

    If I recall, the S2P warranty is two years which lapsed last Nov. : -( Actually, that was the date of original purchase, that camera was replaced due to a cracked sensor, then the new camera had to have the shutter release fixed. But since then it has seemed okay, and reliable.

    Any suggestions to check before I go through the repair hassle … er, process?


  • #3822

    Thanks everyone!

    Fortunately, the affected files were few, and not all that critical. I easily did a pixel row selection and used Content Aware Fill in PS6 to correct them.

    If I had a lot of files like this, I suppose I could write an action and batch it to all files.

    I have been in contact with Kelsey Fain, S2 Product Specialist, Leica USA … and have sent her a DNG file shot @ ISO 160, f.5.6, 1/30 shutter with the lens cap on. This will be sent to Germany to determine if a firmware fix is possible (I suspect so).

    Hopefully, I will not have to send in the camera to go to Germany.


  • #3824
    Mark Gowin


    I had this happen on my S2 and Leica Germany used one of my DNG files to create a custom firmware. Also, future firmware updates do not affect the custom firmware.


  • #3827

    Thanks Mark!

    Yeah, it seems Germany can fix this and asked for a second IDSO 160 DNG shot of a uniform grey unfocused surface which I sent yesterday.

    Kelsey confirmed that once you load this calibration to eliminate the dead pixel that’s causing the red line, it is permanent solution and you just reload the most current firmware or any subsequent firmware updates.

    Hope it all works out. We’ll see.


  • #3830


    Thanks to Kelsey Fains of Leica USA, and the fast acting technical wizards in Germany.

    Let the jobs begin!


  • #3831
    Jack MacD

    Very good news.

  • #3859

    Indeed this is great news, even astoundingly good news, and this should save everyone time trouble and expense in dealing with a possibly recurring problem. It also seems to confirm that previously this has been solved in software remapping rather than sensor replacement.

  • #3905

    fotografz;4506 wrote: Fixed.

    Thanks to Kelsey Fains of Leica USA, and the fast acting technical wizards in Germany.

    Let the jobs begin!


    Excellent news. Thanks for the information. Never know when it might come in handy, but your sharing gives peace of mind to all of us.

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